Arabic gum

Arabic gum (other names – soluble gum, acacia gum) – nutritional supplement of a natural origin which Порошок гуммиарабикas a part of products has the designation E414. Receive гуммиарабикиз the juice of certain kinds of the acacias growing in Australia, Africa and India which stiffened on air. Historically unique properties of this substance are known and were used long ago, in the antique period.

Properties of arabic gum

Arabic gum colourless, is well dissolved in water, forming sticky subacidic solution. It has practically no taste and smell.

On a structure arabic gum is polysaccharide with good properties of emulsifier. Because of features of a structure of a molecule of this substance it is capable to form solutions with low viscosity even with a high molecular weight.

Before using arabic gum in production of food stuffs and pharmacological means, it is ground and dissolved in water. Additional purification of substance is reached by ultrafiltration, pasteurization and special drying.

In essence arabic gum is soluble cellulose. At the use in its impact on an organism заключаетсяв decrease in release of digestive enzymes and normalization of formation of a gastric juice that slows down processes of digestion of food. Arabic gum is capable to reduce concentration of sugar and cholesterol of blood. The conducted researches proved perfect safety of this nutritional supplement for health of the person.

Arabic gum use

Arabic gum in production of food stuffs plays a role of the stabilizer, filming agent and the regulator of structure.

It keeps various aromas as a part of its basis in production of chewing gum, doing aftertaste is more long. It well is suitable for prevention of crystallization of sugar and as binding component in production of candies, a fruit candy.

Arabic gum allows to use technology of pelleting in production of confectionery. Most often from food stuffs it is possible to meet nuts and raisin in the form of the dragee covered with sugar, chocolate, caramel, etc.

Use Гуммиарабик в упаковкеarabic gum in preparation of glaze for drawing on a surface of bakery products as ornament and for the purpose of improvement of their tastes. It is possible thanks to good adhesive properties of arabic gum. The applied hot glaze after cooling densely is fixed on a bread surface.

In confectionery business arabic gum is applied on glaze of cakes before pastries by spraying or a brush, and after evaporation from a surface under the influence of temperature glaze becomes by sight more attractive and gains luster. This nutritional supplement is also included into a compounding of various alcoholic and soft drinks and beer.

Arabic gum in pharmaceutical production found application as binding component and a cover for tablets as the substance reducing irritation in syrups for intake, as emulsifier as a part of some drugs.

Arabic gum is included as a component into composition of water color paints, it promotes the best linkng of paints with paper, increases their gloss.

In cosmetology arabic gum is included into a compounding of lotions, creams, face packs.

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