
Hake – the sea fish belonging to family Cod. Length of an average individual seldom exceeds 70 cm, however and there are no less than 20 cm. The weight of fish reaches 3 kg. At a hake the extended body, two fins – short and long, located on spin. The back is painted in grayish-black color, and the side and an abdomen have silver-gray coloring. Fish possesses gentle, low-fat meat of white color. Bones are not enough, and fillet plates when cooking well separate from available.

Хек свежий

The main food of a hake in the first years of life are small shrimps and калянус. Puberal fish becomes a predator and prefers as food of pelagic fishes whom treat a herring, a mackerel and others, and also large backboneless animals, including squids and shrimps.

The hake at a depth exceeding 20 m winters.

Structure, nutrition value and hake caloric content

The hake contains a set useful and necessary for an organism macro - and microelements: fluorine, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, chlorine, cobalt, chrome, molybdenum, nickel and manganese. Along with it the content of vitamins is high. The greatest concentration in fish is reached by PP, C, A, E, B2, B1, B9, B6 vitamins. Besides, fish – a well an omega-3 of fatty acids which content reaches a maximum in caviar of a hake. It is remarkable that caviar of a hake is a champion on the content of this useful substance.

In this sea fish there are no carbohydrates at all that allows to include her in the food allowance providing the minimum use of carbohydrate connections. The squirrel contains in her about 17 g, and fat – 2,2 g. Hake caloric content at the same time rather low – only 86 Kcal on 100 g.

Useful properties of a hake

Low caloric content of a hake, the low-fat, perfectly acquired meat rich with protein and vitamins – the reasons for which fish is recommended for dietary food.

The complex of the vitamins which are contained in a hake allows to regulate and support a metabolism, and also promotes a conclusion of toxins and helps at prevention of oncological diseases, being fine antioxidant.

At diseases of integuments, mucous and a thyroid gland the advantage of the hake containing various vitamins will be invaluable. The use of fish is also capable to regulate the content of sugar in blood.

Other useful property of a hake – the prevention of disturbances of cardiovascular system thanks to the content of unsaturated fatty acids. Also fish is capable to improve health at diabetes, a hypertension and even a depression.

The regular use of fish in food (not less once a week) helps to improve sight, and even substantially reduces its loss at advanced age.

Secrets of preparation of a hake

Advantage of a hake – not the only reason for which this fish is loved around the world. Regardless of whether it is a basis of a dish or supplements with itself other ingredients, taste turns out excellent.

Content of fat the hake bypasses a cod what it is appreciated by culinary specialists above. At the same time meat of fish much more fast, than meat of a salmon or other red fishes.

Хек жареный

Professionals in the field of cookery recommend to use a hake in a fried look. For this purpose fish is previously undressed, cut on portion pieces, add salt and lemon juice. It is recommended to fry a hake in batter and on olive oil. It is also important to mean that long heating of meat of fish destroys useful substances, in it contained. Because heat treatment should not exceed 15 minutes. Boiled potatoes will become ideal option of a garnish. It is in addition possible to serve sauce on the basis of cream or sour cream.

Despite enormous useful properties of a hake, fish in our country is not prepared everywhere. It is considered that it possesses an almost inaudible unpleasant smell which, however, is sharply allocated in a ready dish. To get rid of it, it is recommended to serve to fish greens with the expressed aroma and taste: parsley, fennel, cilantro.

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