Sincaline is a substance which belongs to group B vitamins, is produced in an organism of animals and the person, more, in intestines. Replenishment of reserves of B4 vitamin (the second name of sincaline) from the outside is required when its deficit is observed.
Sincaline is a component of lecithin, antioxidant without which the nervous system, brain cells, a liver and which creates intercellular space cannot function.
Thus, it is possible to allocate such main functions of sincaline:
Pharmaceutical industry produces synthetic sincaline in the form of solution for intravenous administration (sincaline chloride). Appoint it to the people having hepatitis including an infectious etiology, an alcoholism, cirrhosis, atherosclerosis.
Also physicians appoint sincaline to children up to 5 years and to pregnant women – for maintenance of a nervous system, work of a brain.
The deficit of B4 vitamin indicating uses of sincaline of chloride the need is given by such symptoms:
Regular use of sincaline even at alcoholism, without telling about other pathologies of a liver, allows to slow down destruction of this body.
B4 vitamin helps and at serious problems with memory.
For improvement of therapeutic result sincaline is recommended to accept in a complex other vitamins representing group B.
Estrogen, alcohol, streptocides reduce efficiency of sincaline.
The person for prevention of deficit of sincaline has to eat regularly dairy products, heart and a liver of animals, egg yolks, sheet green vegetables, wheat grains, rice, spinach, porridge, soy, cabbage, yeast beer.
Despite pricelessness of sincaline for the person, his overdose can have negative effects.
The admissible standard daily rate of B4 vitamin for the adult makes 1-4 grams. Is engaged in that who endures a stress in constantly serious cerebration, it is possible to use 2-8 grams of sincaline a day.
High doses of sincaline under control of doctors are allowed to be accepted to people whose daily activity is connected with serious exercise, mental stresses, and also to athletes, in particular, during preparation for competitions.
The surplus of sincaline can be distinguished on plentiful sweating, emergence of diarrhea, nausea, an unusual "fish" smell of a body, on increase in pressure, deterioration in appetite.
At use of sincaline of a synthetic origin the digestive disturbance can be observed. If quickly to enter sincaline into a vein, there can be bradycardia, heat, nausea, vomiting, pressure can decrease, develop a collapse.
Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.
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