Main > Diseases> Impotence


The medical term "impotence" in understanding, usual for the modern person, for the first time was used in 1655. This name the English priest of Thomas Fuller (Thomas Fuller) described in the historical novel male weakness of the young representative of a royal dynasty - Edward VI. Of course, the problem of impotence existed long before it was given definition of erectile dysfunction. Импотенция - половое бессилие

Types of impotence

Types of impotence are presented by two main categories: psychological and organic.

1. Organic impotence – the condition of male impotence accruing eventually and caused by exclusively physiological reasons (for example, vascular disorders other). Symptoms of impotence of an organic look is either very weak erection, or its perfect absence. Lack of the spontaneous night and morning erections occupying up to 24% of time of night rest in a normality of a male body is considered the most characteristic symptom of organic impotence.

2. Psychological impotence, as a rule, does not exclude existence of spontaneous night and morning erections, but in attempt of commission of sexual intercourse with the partner, the erection or initially is absent, or vanishes through short time.

Impotence reasons

Specialists subdivide the reasons causing impotence into several various groups:

- vascular;

- endocrine;

- neurologic;

- medicamentous;

- local.

It should be noted that all above-stated reasons of impotence, are related only to an organic type of a disease, i.e. are caused by deviations from normal functioning of any body or the whole system in a male body.

The practicing physicians claim that purely organic impotence meets rather seldom. In the majority erectile dysfunction is caused by the reasons of psychosomatic character. It means that inability of the man to carry out sexual intercourse is provoked only by features of its mentality. As a rule, after examination and elimination of the prime cause of this type of impotence (the psychological factor responsible for emergence of a problem) the men's erection and ability to commission of full sexual intercourse with the partner are completely recovered.

Impotence symptoms

The sad statistics on a disease of impotence demonstrates that more than 35 percent of modern men in an age group from 18 and up to 60 years have disorders of functioning of a reproductive system in a varying degree.

Carry the following symptoms of impotence to initial symptoms:

- lack of an erection at adequate sexual excitement, and also lack of spontaneous erections in night or morning hours. In that case if spontaneous erections remain, and adequate erections do not occur, the speech unambiguously goes about erectile dysfunction of a psychological look;

- weak erection. Such factors as decrease in number of erections within a day, loss of former elasticity of a penis during implementation of sexual contact can testify , most likely, to the organic impotence caused by the physiological reasons;

- premature ejaculation (not deduction of an erection). Frustration of the men's sexual sphere at which the ejaculation occurs before introduction of a penis and the beginning of commission of frictions, as a rule, is a sure sign of venous disturbance.

By modern scientists it is proved that more than in 90% of cases erectile dysfunction is connected in any degree with psychological factors and only 10% of cases of impotence are caused by actually organic frustration.

Treatment of impotence

The impotence reasons as it is described above, can be the most various. But only after careful inspection of an organism and clarification of the specific reason responsible for loss of a men's potentiality, expediency of this or that method of treatment of erectile dysfunction is defined.

The main ways of treatment of impotence used today in medical institutions:

1. Psychotherapeutic method. It is applied at psychogenic impotence, but also, as a symptomatic treatment during the recovery period after treatment of sexual disorders of organic character.

2. Vacuum method. This way represents mechanical stimulation of a penis and at all its shortcomings is still used by physicians as an independent measure, or as a part of complex treatment of erectile dysfunction.

3. Surgical method. It is used at organic impotence which reasons are covered in vascular and venous disorders. The operation purpose – to increase inflow of blood to cavernous bodies of a penis.

4. Injection method. This way of treatment of erectile dysfunction represents pricks in the cavernous bodies of a penis causing resistant vasodilatation and providing a qualitative eregirovaniye of a penis.

Один из способов лечения импотенции - медикаментозный

5. Medicamentous method. Today there is the whole list of the certain drugs allowing men to achieve with guarantee an erection without use of the above described ways of treatment of impotence. But the majority of similar medicines possesses not the smaller list of serious contraindications therefore physicians do not recommend a medicamentous method for the constant and only way of treatment.

Still long since for treatment of erectile dysfunction the checked by time, rather effective and harmless folk remedies were used.

Before an impotence initiation of treatment folk remedies consultation of the experienced specialist since treatment has to be oriented first of all to a cause of illness is necessary.

However it is possible to provide some universal national recipes of treatment of impotence which can be recommended to use at all cases of impotence for men.

1. To take in equal shares a grass of a St. John's Wort, the mountaineer peppery, flowers of a calendula, flowers of a camomile, an angelica root, a root of a burdock, coriander fruits. Two tablespoons of collecting to make 500 ml of abrupt boiled water. To insist in a thermos about 12 hours. It is necessary to accept infusion on a third of a glass in the first half of day. Treatment of impotence this grass infusion has to continue not less than two months. Then it is necessary to arrange a break about two weeks and to continue treatment by one more course.

2. Birch kidneys, a St. John's Wort a grass, an acorus root, a root of an acorus snake, a nettle grass, a grass of a shepherd's bag, plantain a leaf, a thyme grass, a centaury grass – in equal shares. To take two tablespoons of grass collecting and to make 500 ml of abrupt boiled water in a thermos. To accept a course for two months, further a break and to repeat an impotence course of treatment again.

For the greatest effect it is possible to change the above-stated collecting herbs. The maximum result can be achieved after several courses of reception of phytocollecting. Before use of grass infusions it is necessary to get acquainted with contraindications.

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