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from 250 rub.

Индовазин гельIndovazin – anti-inflammatory drug.

Pharmacological action

Active ingredients of Indovazin – indometacin and троксерутин.

Drug lowers the level of inflammatory mediators, permeability of capillaries, promotes strengthening of a wall of vessels, has analgeziruyushchy effect. In the place of use Indovazin improves microcirculation, reduces hypostasis and a hyperemia.

Release form

Produce Indovazin ointment and gel.

Indications to use

Indovazin according to the instruction is shown at chronic, acute polyarthritises, inflammations of nerves, neuroplex defeat, thrombophlebitis, radiculitis, psoriasis, the followed multiple injury of joints, hemorrhoids (as a part of complex treatment), a bursitis, a tendovaginitis, a synovitis, a periarthritis, a fibrositis. Drug is effective also in prevention of a varicosity.

There are comments on Indovazin, about his positive effect when drawing on hematomas after injuries.

Also he well removes hypostases at contusions, dislocations, stretchings, after operative measures.

Application instruction of Indovazin

Индовазин мазьOintment, gel Indovazin apply on skin, on area over the place of an inflammation two-three р / day. For processing squeeze out the 1-2nd. gel or ointment Indovazin.

In days it is impossible to use more than 20 cm of drug. The course of treatment should not last longer than 10 days.

Side effects

Gel, ointment Indovazin can cause allergic reactions in the form of an erythema, rash on skin, an itch, a small tortoiseshell.

There are comments on Indovazin, that at treatment duration more 10dn., hemorrhages, a severe headache can begin.

If ointment or gel Indovazin get inside, salivation can amplify, appear nausea, burning in a mouth, vomiting. For elimination of these side effects the gastric lavage, a mouth, a symptomatic treatment is shown.

At hit of ointment or gel in eyes, on mucous, open wounds lachrymation, burning, pain, reddening can appear. For elimination of these symptoms it is necessary to wash out affected areas the distilled water or normal saline solution.

Contraindications to Indovazin's use

Indovazin's use is contraindicated at: diathesis hemorrhagic, leukopenias, hypersensitivity to drug and other not steroids, a peptic ulcer of a stomach, a duodenum, disturbances of the mechanism of a blood coagulation of an unknown origin.

Also according to Indovazin's instruction, him children cannot appoint drug to 14 l., to pregnant women, the feeding women.

Care should be shown at use of means to patients with asthma bronchial, at its use along with other not steroids, anticoagulants, hypoglycemic drugs, antibiotics.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Indovazin gel 45 of

250 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Indovazin gel 45 of, Balkanpharma/Troyan

273 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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