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Beauty injections

Инъекция красоты Файберсьютик - отзывы и советыOnly one and a half decades ago nobody would think that it is possible to influence structural age changes of skin and that is called to turn aging process back by means of beauty injections. There were cream for moistening of skin, collagenic drugs for filling of deep mimic wrinkles, surgical methods of face lifting were applied. But in process of studying of properties of hyaluronic acid in the pharmaceutical market drugs for recovery of a homeostasis of a derma, otherwise, for rejuvenation of skin began to appear in the physiological way from within. These procedures were also received by the name of an injection of beauty or, in a different way, biorevitalization. Today there are already several generations of such drugs. Injections of beauty began to intend not only for rejuvenation of skin, but also for hair.

Hyaluronic acid

At the heart of drugs for injections of beauty the hyaluronic acid or connections stimulating its development in an organism is used. Cosmetologists proclaimed this substance a youth elixir. The matter is that it contains in saliva, synovial fluid of joints, in covers of cells of cartilages, a vitreous and, of course, in derma cells. Hyaluronic acid belongs to system of a congenital immunity, is responsible for regeneration and elasticity of fabrics, creating conditions for deduction of molecules of water in the connected state. It is one of major factors of maintenance of natural moisture content of skin.

Initially molecules of hyaluronic acid are built in the long chains with a huge molecular weight. But with age length of a chain becomes less therefore fabrics lose moisture, a tone and elasticity though the general content of hyaluronic acid increases. The majority of means for biorevitalization or injections of beauty use properties of hyaluronic acid for the rejuvenating impact on face skin, necks, a zone of a decollete, shoulders, etc.

Hyaluronic acid as a part of injections of beauty starts the following processes in an organism:

  • Recovery of an intercellular matrix that increases plasticity and turgor of skin;
  • Recovery of a water balance that leads to normalization of reactions and physiological processes;
  • Acceptation of active forms of oxygen, blocking of free radicals, binding and removal of toxins that leads to increase in resilience of skin to an oxidative stress.

In what secret of injections of beauty

You for certain and noticed that what complex structure the latest expensive skin cream would not possess, it can not have the expressed effect. The matter is that our skin in itself is a protective barrier which interferes with penetration of these or those substances into an organism. But hypodermic introduction by means of injections of beauty is essentially a different way which allows to deliver drug in the necessary quantity to that place where it is necessary. Besides, the puncture of skin starts powerful response – permeability of vessels and their gleam increases, immune cells become more active. The prick affects skin in such a way that drug gets into derma layers quicker, and its action amplifies.

Injections of beauty represent the low-invasive procedure which smoothes age and mimic defects. In process of recovery of skin at the cellular level "wrinkles of the smoker" around a mouth, "goose pads" in corners of eyes, nasolabial "folds of grief" are smoothed. Comparison of photos before and after injections of beauty suggests an idea that unmasked fatigue a face of the patient.

Drugs for biorevitalization or injections of beauty

The pharmaceutical market quite sensitively reacts to the last trends of cosmetology so now several generations of drugs for biorevitalization and injections of beauty are let out:

  • The I generation – biorevitalizant on the basis of hyaluronic acid;
  • The II generation – the means combining hyaluronic acid with other active components, including vitamins, amino acids, peptides;
  • The III generation – drugs on the basis of nucleotides which recover the damaged sites of DNA and stimulate production of own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin in an organism.

Unlike cosmetic lines for daily leaving which demand systematic use injections of beauty work within half a year. For example, Princesses drugs for beauty injections depending on a ruler render effect for a period of 4-6 up to 6-12 months. Upon termination of effect of drug it is possible to give an injection so many time how many it is necessary, unlike surgical procedures which extremely are not recommended to be carried out repeatedly. During action of Princesses drugs for injections of beauty smooth wrinkles, increase elasticity of skin, allow to model a relief of the person, a shape of lips and eliminate baggies lower eyelids.

Что нужно знать об инъекциях красотыHowever, injections of beauty have also contraindications, for example, an allergy to hyaluronic acid, the period of pregnancy and a lactation, keloid cicatrixes, any acute forms of diseases, inflammations of the skin, an immunotherapy, and also age up to 18 years. After pricks it is recommended to avoid open sunshine and a sunbed, massage, cosmetics, and also procedures of a peeling up to stabilization of a state.

Beauty injections for hair

Finally It should be noted that while one companies develop drugs for rejuvenation of skin, others offer means for rejuvenation of hair. For example, by this principle beauty injection файберсьютик from the famous producer works, it still call "Botox for hair". The procedure is carried out in beauty shop and takes about 30 minutes. Beauty injection файберсьютик has nothing in common with pricks. But the company made a good marketing mix, having released means in the syringe doser and having called it "beauty injection", played on a wave of popularity of procedures of biorevitalization. But it is necessary to pay tribute: the effect of action of the procedure nevertheless remains long time (to 10 times of washing of hair with shampoo use).

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