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About infectious diseases

Инфекционные болезни

Infectious diseases are a group of diseases which begin to develop owing to activity of pathogenic activators. Unlike many other illnesses, diseases of infectious character are capable to be transmitted from the person to the person.

Quite often it leads to large-scale epidemics and need of introduction of quarantine actions. From other important features of this group of diseases it is possible to note specificity of the etiological agent, cyclic character of a current, and that fact that infectious diseases of the person not only affect various systems of an organism, but also create immunity against activators.

At the moment time millions of people constantly suffer from various infections. At the same time diseases not only affect the health of mankind, but also cause huge economic damage. There is an opinion that many children's infectious diseases were finally won still in the seventies the last century, but it is not true. Yes, scientists had very considerable breaks in fight against activators of these or those destructive processes, however, to speak about total surrender of infections still too early. Meanwhile we can allocate only one disease which has not an effect already more than 20 years – natural smallpox. All other infectious diseases are regularly shown in different parts of the globe and cause epidemics among the population.

There is also a wish to notice that infectious processes can be provoked not only activators, but also products of their life activity. Collecting, for example, in water or food, they lead to acute intoxication of an organism, and in the absence of treatment – by a lethal outcome. However, not everything is as terrible as it seems at first sight, from all that enormous mass of microorganisms to which we contact during life, infectious diseases of the person are caused only is insignificant the small number of agents.

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Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.