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Premature ventricular contraction

Premature ventricular contraction is the most widespread type of arrhythmia which arises because of premature reduction of a cardiac muscle (extrasystole).Экстрасистолия является самым распространенным видом аритмии This disturbance of a rhythm arises because of geterotopny excitement of a myocardium and occurs almost at 90% of people to whom in 50 years. It is not difficult to reveal it at all: it represents short-term sinking heart.

Premature ventricular contraction symptoms

Most often symptoms of premature ventricular contraction are notable interruptions in cordial work which can be shown in the form of unnaturally strong pushes in cordial area which often are followed by further pauses or short delays (bradycardia)/uchashcheniye (tachycardia) of a rhythm in cardiac performance. Pushes can be followed by vegetative and neurologic symptoms: disturbances in breath, an asthma, feeling of uneasiness and fear, pallor of the skin strengthened by perspiration; pushes can be not only strong, but also weak.

At most of people symptoms are shown, generally before going to bed when lying in a bed of the patient feels unexpected pushes. There are cases when the patient feels pushes, lying on one party, but when he turns on other party, pushes decrease or pass.

Classification of premature ventricular contraction

Premature ventricular contraction shares on:

  • functional;
  • organic.

Functional meets against the background of a depression, vegeto-vascular dystonia and neurosises at young people more often. The person feels symptoms often before going to bed, in a quiet state and after awakening. Also can feel them when reading and in operating time at the computer. Symptoms of premature ventricular contraction are not shown at exercise stresses. The disease arises because of:

  • nerve strains;
  • strong emotional experiences;
  • smoking;
  • caffeine uses;
  • alcohol intake.

Symptoms can usually pass if the emotional background is replaced.

Organic premature ventricular contraction usually affects people to whom in 50 years. Symptoms of this kind of a disease are shown after exercise stresses and patients often do not notice them. They are practically not shown in a quiet state.

Existence of organic premature ventricular contraction often testifies to endocrine and heart diseases at the person.

Premature ventricular contraction reasons

Can be the reasons of premature ventricular contraction:

  • disturbances of a neurogenic origin;
  • organic lesions of a myocardium;
  • intoxications.

The healthy При назначении лечения экстрасистолии учитывают форму и локализацию заболеванияperson in day can have no more than two hundred extraordinary reductions. Premature ventricular contraction can arise at quite healthy person during the smoking, alcohol intake, coffee and strong tea, stresses, psychoemotional and vegetative disturbances, a strong exercise stress. Heart diseases can be the reasons of premature ventricular contraction of pathological character: cardiomyopathy, defects of valves, ischemic disease, myocarditis. There are also extracardiac diseases which adversely influence a heart muscle: neoplastic processes, poisonings, a thyrotoxicosis, intoxications during infections, allergic reactions.

Treatment of premature ventricular contraction

At purpose of treatment of premature ventricular contraction consider a form and localization of a disease.

If extrasystoles are single and are not caused by cardial pathology, then they do not need treatment. Sometimes for elimination of symptoms it is enough to refuse smoking, the use of kofeinosoderzhashchy drinks and alcohol, and also to reduce quantity of stresses. When premature ventricular contraction arises because of diseases of a cardiac muscle, endocrine and digestive systems, treatment should be begun with basic diseases.

If premature ventricular contraction has a neurogenic origin, it is necessary to visit the neurologist. He will appoint collecting for calm (peony tincture, a melissa or a motherwort) or drugs with sedative action (Relanium, Rudotelum). If the disease is caused by drugs, their use is strictly forbidden.

Drug treatment is appointed only in those cases if the day quantity of extrasystoles exceeds two hundred, the patient has a cardial pathology and subjective complaints. Drugs select depending on a type of premature ventricular contraction and frequency of reduction of heart. The dosage is appointed individually. For treatment of premature ventricular contraction use of a novokainamid, lidocaine, quinidine, a kordaron, meksilen, sotalol, diltiazem is effective. Also for the general strengthening of heart the drugs containing potassium and magnesium are appointed.

If during drug treatment for two months of an extrasystole are not shown, reduce a dose of drugs or in general cancel their reception. In other cases treatment lasts several months, and in the presence of a malignant ventricular form appoint the lifelong use of antiaritmik.


Prevention of premature ventricular contraction consists in the prevention of diseases which provoke its development: myocardial dystrophies, myocardites, cardiomyopathies. It is necessary to avoid medicamentous, food or chemical intoxication which provoke premature ventricular contraction too. The general prevention is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, moderate exercise stresses and refusal of smoking of tobacco, caffeine and alcohol.

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