Main > Diagnostic methods> Electroencephalography


Проведение электроэнцефалографииThe clinical electroencephalography is a way of a research of functional activity of a nervous system. The electroencephalography method is based on record of electric potentials of a brain and it represents summation of the simple processes proceeding in brain neurons.

Electroencephalography of a brain appoint at paroxysmal states, psychosomatic, cognitive, emotional, behavioural, mental, neurotic disorders, at craniocereberal injuries for assessment of their weight and assessment of dynamics of recovery of a brain, distsirkulyatorny and vascular changes, at inflammatory diseases of a nervous system, at pathologies of endocrine character.

The electroencephalography to children is appointed at perinatal disturbances of a nervous system.

Feature of a method of an electroencephalography is that it cannot be applied to diagnosing of organic damages of a nervous system, and it is not intended for statement of the final diagnosis. The advantage of an electroencephalography is that its results are objective, and it is possible to estimate a brain condition without serious intervention in the patient's organism.

The clinical electroencephalography is considered the most adequate method of assessment of a maturity of a nervous system of a condition of a brain, generally, and studying of a neurophysiological basis of mental activity.

As the electroencephalography method is implemented

To make inspection, attach electrodes which are connected to the registrar of brain activity to the head of the patient.

Electrodes and devices of registration differ depending on an objective.

Электроэнцефалография головного мозгаBridge electrodes use for carrying out a clinical electroencephalography of those patients who are capable to stay some time in situation reclining or sitting and to execute commands of the neurophysiologist conducting a research. Children can use such electrodes when carrying out an encephalography after 3-5 years and the adult who are in consciousness and kontaktna.

Chashechkovy electrodes use for a research of activity of a brain of unconscious patients, small children, for carrying out a long electroencephalography of a brain and studying of brain activity during sleep.

Needle electrodes use for inspection during operation for assessment of depth of an anesthesia and the general condition of the patient. Usually electrodes stick in head skin, and on neurosurgical operations enter them directly into brain tissue.

Electroencephalography of children

To children with deviations in speech, motive and mental development even more often recently appoint an electroencephalography. Advantage of this method is that despite the lack of attacks, the method of an electroencephalography allows to reveal the pathological hidden disturbances of brain activity.

Appoint an electroencephalography to children in such cases:

  • at arrests of development, psychoemotional disturbances of the obscure origin, including in cases of purpose of the stimulating neurotropic treatment;
  • for assessment of compliance of development of a brain to age of the child;
  • for differential diagnosing of epilepsy and control over efficiency of treatment when there are complaints to a frequent loss of consciousness, attacks, faints, the panic attacks, tics, dying down episodes;
  • at deterioration in progress of the child at school and a sharp causeless behavior disorder. The electroencephalography in these cases is used for a right choice of a method of treatment;
  • at various sleep disorders: fears and nightmares, circulation and a talk in a dream;
  • at tumors, injuries, disturbances of a brain blood-groove, other diseases of a brain.

There are no contraindications to carrying out an electroencephalography, the procedure does not demand special preparation.

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