How to lose weight in 11 years? Such question is often asked by the parents worrying that their child weighs much more norm, or children.
First of all, it is worth to remember that in 11 years formation of a body and internals is not finished, and the child's organism considerably differs from the adult's organism. With food he receives the substances necessary not only for life activity, but also for formation and growth. It needs to be considered by drawing up a diet for children of 11 years.
The second difficult moment at the answer to the question "how to lose weight in 11 years" – acceleration. Additional resources are necessary for an organism for normal formation of a reproductive system that also should be considered in a diet for children of 11 years.
One more factor – the children spending much time very quickly gain weight, having buried in monitors of various electronic devices. A task of parents – as much as possible to reduce this time, occupying the child with the active sports, dances, other actions demanding mobility. Often it happens enough to normalize the child's weight.
Features of anatomo-physiological development – the period of the strengthened growth (extension) from 10 to 12 years and the period of intensive increase of the body weight (rounding) from 8 to 11 years, are individual for each child. So the probability is high that the body rounded in 11 years will be extended later, during puberty, and the question "how to lose weight to the child of 11 years" will lose the relevance during the short period.
In certain cases it is enough to parents to prohibit to have a bite between meals also is at the computer. To exclude the high-calorific products and dishes which are not containing useful substances from a children's diet:
After a while, after introduction of such restrictions the child will cease to ask: "How to lose weight in 11 years?".
Standard daily rate of a diet for 11 years – 2400-2500 kcal. Presence at a diet of fresh vegetables and fruit at a large number, meat and fish is obligatory. Food is four times, a dinner no later than seven hours.
The approximate day menu of a diet for 11 years.
Option I:
Option II:
Considering standard daily rate of a diet for 11 years, having consulted with the therapist and the endocrinologist, it is possible to diversify perfectly the menu and to leave from the question "how to lose weight in 11 years".
To answer the question "how to lose weight to the girl of 11 years" it is necessary to undergo surely inspection at the endocrinologist. The strengthened set of weight during puberty - the phenomenon physiologic, by the time of the beginning of periods the girl has to weigh 45-48 kg, otherwise in hormonal development failures will begin. It will cause an array of problems in the future.
In 11 years the endocrine system strenuously works for girls, gonads intensively develop, the form of a basin and buttocks can change. The probability is high that through short time there will be growth jump, and weight will remain invariable and your daughter will cease to ask the question "how to lose weight to the girl of 11 years". A task of parents - independently or by means of the experienced psychologist to inform of this simple truth consciousness of the girl. The task is not the simplest, sharp jumps of a hormonal background during puberty strongly affect behavior and a self-assessment of any child.
It is important to remember that food of the child of 11 years has to be qualitative, surely including amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, necessary for intensively growing organism.
It is possible to make the decision on observance of any diet for children of 11 years only after consultation with the qualified pediatrician and the endocrinologist.
According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.
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