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Caloric content of eggplants

Калорийность баклажана - 24 ккал на 100 граммEggplant – the vegetable, families of a nightshade family cultivated more than one and a half thousand years.

In 100 g of an eggplant: calories – 24, proteins – 1,2 g, fats – 0,1 g, carbohydrates – 4,5-5,1 g, a glycemic index of an eggplant – 10.

The dishes prepared from eggplants promote decrease in level of cholesterol in blood, normalization of work of the alimentary system. Thanks to the high content of potassium they normalize water exchange and improve work of cardiovascular system. The dishes prepared from eggplants are recommended in dietary food for weight reduction and at a diabetes mellitus as the caloric content of eggplants low. They contain a small amount of carbohydrates and at the same time a lot of cellulose.

Dietary eggplants dishes

Thanks to good tastes and low caloric content eggplants are very popular in the menu of kitchens of various countries of the world. Eggplants are well combined in preparation with other vegetables, they can boil, fry, bake, stew, to be prepared on a grill. An eggplant – one of the few vegetables which is not used in the raw. For this reason is not of great importance how many calories in eggplants, more important how many calories contain the dishes prepared from these vegetables.

Despite the low caloric content of eggplants, it is necessary to consider that at preparation they very strongly absorb oil that much more increases the caloric content of dishes. Before preparation it is recommended to presoak eggplants in the added some salt water. It will allow to remove bitterness from vegetables and to reduce absorbency of oil at culinary processing, having reduced caloric content in the prepared eggplants.

The best dietary eggplants dishes (nourishing and useful) turn out when boiling, roasting or preparation on a grill when it is possible to do without oil use.

The eggplants baked with vegetables

Two eggplants of the average size, two average tomatoes, several garlic gloves, big bulb, pepper, salt, a little vegetable oil (it is better olive). To cut eggplants and tomatoes circles, onions half rings, small to chop garlic. In any form for roasting (utyatniyets, a pot, a foil) to lay out a layer of eggplants, to sprinkle vegetable oil, to prisolit, pepper slightly. To lay out a layer of tomatoes, to salt, powder with the cut garlic and to cover with an onions layer. From above to lay out a layer of eggplants, to sprinkle oil, to prisolit, pepper. To cover or seal in a foil, to put in an oven, to prepare 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 °.

The eggplants baked according to such recipe can be a fine garnish for meat. They can be given and as a separate dish with a garnish from new potato or boiled pasta of firm grades.Калорийность баклажанов, запеченных с овощами - 50 ккал на 100 грамм

In the eggplants of calories baked with vegetables no more than 50 on 100 g of a ready dish.

Dietary eggplants dish: crude caviar

On 1 kg an eggplant 0,5 kg of paprika, 0,5 kg of fresh tomatoes, 2-3 bulbs of the average sizes, a head of garlic of the average sizes, fresh greens (fennel, parsley), 2-3 table are necessary. spoons of vegetable oil, pepper ground, salt to taste. To bake eggplants and pepper in an oven or in a frying pan with a thick bottom under a cover without oil addition, to cool, allow to flow down, clear of a peel and sunflower seeds, to cut small. To scald tomatoes boiled water, to rind, to cut small. To crush onions, garlic, greens, it is possible in the blender. To mix everything, to allow to be defended, merge liquid, to fill with vegetable oil, to pepper, to prisolit a little.

In the eggplants prepared thus caloric content – 40-45 kcal on 100 g of a product, are also most kept all useful substances.

Thanks to pleasant taste of eggplants after culinary processing, to high content in them useful microelements, vitamins and cellulose, low caloric content of eggplants, dishes from them are included in the menu of many diets for weight loss and in recreational dietary food.

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