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Caloric content of dates

Dates not only have magic taste, but also help a human body to resist a set of illnesses. Despite rather considerable caloric content of dates, fruits of a date palm tree the mankind eats from time immemorial.

How many calories in dates

Высокую калорийность сушеных фиников объясняет немалое количество углеводовCaloric content of dried dates makes 275 kcal, at the same time in 100 g of a product 2,5 g of protein, 0,5 g of fats and 69,2 g of carbohydrates contain. In some countries of Asia, despite of rather high caloric content of dates, they are considered a sacred product. They are beautiful as a delicacy and even substitute of candies, especially in combination with milk or tea.

Calories of dates, and also a complex of the vitamins and microelements which are their part allow to use if necessary this product in food rather long time as only, and at the same time not to feel deficit of nutrients.

The value of those dates which are usual on our counters is also that they are not exposed to processing by means of compounds of sulfur. The advantage of dates consists also in wealth of their structure. This product contains fifteen salts and minerals:

  • Boron;
  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Sodium;
  • Selenium;
  • Sulfur;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Fluorine;
  • Zinc and others.

Also dates contain amino acids, vitamins A, groups B, C, pantothenic acid and Niacinum therefore they are recommended for maintenance of elasticity of skin and vessels, health of hair and teeth, and also heart, organs of sight and a liver.

Dates are rich with pectins and food fibers – the natural adsorbents necessary for health and normal life activity of many bodies and systems of a human body, and, in particular, promote increase in its resilience cancer to diseases.

Still dates are recommended for prevention of a depression, especially during the autumn and winter period. Also scientists found in their structure phytohormone – an analog of human oxytocin which, except other, well influences a social behavior of the person.

High caloric content of dried dates is explained by existence in their structure of considerable amount of carbohydrates (natural sugars – fructose, glucose and other). In this regard it is possible to replace with dates much more caloric and less useful confectionery successfully.

Dates for weight loss

Despite rather high caloric content of dates, they are recommended to include in a diet of the people having excess body weight. Efficiency of the use of dates for weight loss is explained by their chemical composition. Due to existence in a product of magnesium and potassium they help to get rid of excesses of liquid, to eliminate hypostases and to normalize weight.

Despite of the high caloric content of dates, they are also capable to normalize sugar in blood and level of fatty acids, promote assimilation of carbohydrates and do not contain cholesterol. To use dates in fight against extra kilos, they are recommended to use in the form of separate meal daily in number of 10-15 pieces. At the same time it is not necessary to exceed the recommended dose, remembering the high caloric content of dates.

Dates: calories and precautionary measures

Калорийность фиников в 100 г – 275 ккал Considering the caloric content of dates, recommend to exclude them from a diet to the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus. Also patients with diseases of digestive organs should eat dates only after receiving on it permissions of the doctor.

If dates are acquired on weight, before the use they need to be scalded boiled water. Also it is worth to remember that all valuable properties are inherent only in the ripe and correctly dried up dates. They have presentable outward without cracks and traces of a mold, are painted in equal dark color and have on a wrinkle surface.

Dates light were gathered not quite mature, they are poor in nutritious elements and do not possess the listed useful characteristics.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.