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Caloric content of a salmon

Salmon – a delicious product. Tastes of this fish are appreciated by many gourmets. It is good in fried, marinated, salty and smoked types. This red fish not only is allocated with fine tastes, but she also is useful.Сколько калорий в семге и чем она полезна для организма

Caloric content of a salmon and her advantage

By the number of calories the salmon treats low-calorie products. Its caloric content in the raw makes about 219 kcal on 100 g of a product. At the same time it contains 20,8 g of proteins, 15,1 g of fats and does not contain carbohydrates. On our table often the salmon gets in a smoked or light-salted look. Caloric content of a salmon light-salted makes about 200 kcal on 100 g of a product. Caloric content of a salmon smoked – 169 kcal on 100 g of a product.

The number of calories in a salmon will decrease if to steam this fish. Caloric content of the salmon steamed will make about 153 kcal on 100 g of a product. And if to cook from fish a fish soup, then the number of calories will decrease to 67 kcal by 100 g of a product.

When frying the caloric content of a salmon considerably increases.

Considering that how many calories in a salmon, this red fish is in the lead on fat content and on the maintenance of useful components. In it there are a lot of vitamins, fatty acids, unsaturated fats, mineral substances. Vitamins B to a salmon it is much bigger, than at other salmons.

At the use of a salmon the mood improves, the emotional pressure disappears. Inclusion of a salmon in a diet promotes increase in elasticity of vessels of a brain, blood circulation improvement. A salmon – a source of full-fledged digestible protein. Amino acids come from fish to a human body literally in an hour after the beginning of digestion. Therefore this product is necessary for recovery of muscular tissue, integuments, and also for strengthening of hair bulbs. It is especially useful to use a salmon to athletes and athletes, and also during the recovery period after operation. Considering that fish is usually used in small amounts, the caloric content of a salmon does not influence a figure in any way.

Nutritionists and doctors recommend to use a salmon for prevention of senile dementia and at diseases of a nervous system.Калорийность семги слабосоленой, копченой, тушеной и отварной

Harm of a salmon

Harm of this fish can be shown at disturbance of technology of processing, the wrong storage. For preparation of dishes it is necessary to choose only fresh fish. Meat has to be elastic and coral-pink. Softness of fish demonstrates that it was defrozen, and then again is frozen.

Despite quite low caloric content, a salmon in a light-salted look you should not use at the elevated pressure, excess weight, diseases of kidneys. Because of the increased content of salt the excessive use of a light-salted salmon can lead to development of a renal failure, hypostases. Crude fish can be infected with eggs of parasites.

Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.