a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/pitanie/kamamber-1.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/pitanie/kamamber-1.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/pitanie/kamamber-1.jpg" rel="lytebox">One of grades of soft fat cheese for which preparation whole cow's milk is used carries the name Camembert (camembert). The homeland of cheese is the historic area in the northwest of France – Normandy.
Camembert happens from white till light-creamy color, has gentle, a little mushroom taste, is outside covered with the special cheese mold (penicillium camemberti or penicillium candidum) forming a fluffy white crust.
In France there is a legend that Camembert was made for the first time in 1791 by the peasant Mari Arel, the native sat down with the name of the same name. The recipe of Camembert opened it during the French revolution the monk disappearing from prosecution.
In 1928 on the square of the city of Vimutye in France in honor of cheese the big monument was erected. This event is connected with the fact that Norman cheese earlier one of doctors treated seriously ill patients of patients. As results of therapy surpassed all expectations, grateful patients erected a small monument near a small village Camembert, and after 20 years put a monument also in Vimutye.
By production of cheese not pasteurized cow's milk is poured out in tubs with covers, the best Camembert is received from two proportions – a half of a clot is merged in forms in the evening, and the rest is added the next morning.
According to the recipe of the best producers of camembert cheese add 0,5 ml of abomasal enzyme to 4,5 l of milk at a temperature of 27 °C. Process of coagulation begins in 2 hours, milk stir slowly from time to time that cream did not separate. As the producer not always has a mold necessary for this grade of cheese, it can be got from a piece of qualitative Camembert and to add to milk before process of abomasal coagulation.
The received mix is spilled on tubs and left for the night, in the morning cheese becomes approximately 1/3 less from the initial sizes. Next morning all process is repeated, however before a flood of a new clot the surface old in tubs is accurately destroyed. After days after this stage Camembert has to become so firm that it could be turned.
After cheese hardens and will begin to lag behind form sidewalls, it can be salted and displayed on regiments where every day it is important to overturn from one side on another. Only having waited for emergence of a pronounced white mold, it is moved in drying rooms with wet air and with the temperature of 13 °C.
If temperature and humidity are exposed correctly, the mold begins to grow quickly and becomes blue color, in general Camembert gets a bluish-gray shade. Then it is moved to the room with high humidity in which air temperature makes 10 °C. In such conditions growth of a mold begins to be slowed down, cheese gets henna-red coloring, its consistence becomes knitting and it is considered ripened.
When cutting of the ripened Camembert the strong texture has to be felt if in the middle of a piece semi-fluid weight is found – cheese is badly made. As periods of storage of cheese are limited, right after this stage transport it in wooden boxes or pack into straw and try to realize as soon as possible.
Gourmets of the whole world prefer to use camembert cheese in combination with neutral wines: pink, white Sancerre or cider from Pei d' Ozh. In French cuisine cheese is used at preparation of soups, sauces and desserts. In 100 g of camembert cheese contains:
Caloric content of 100 g of camembert cheese makes 300 kcal. Correctly prepared, taking into account all nuances of a compounding, Camembert is very useful to health. It completely is digested, contains the mass of vitamins, macro - and microelements, bacteria and irreplaceable amino acids. The mold which is contained in it has curative properties as the substances which are in its structure promote production of melanin which protects skin from sunblisters.
Doctors recommend to eat Camembert at exhaustion, tuberculosis, AIDS, oncological diseases, and also that who is engaged physical or brainwork. The Camembert made on the correct technology and the recipe contains record amount of phosphorus and calcium therefore it is useful at changes, arthrosis and arthritis.
The daily use of 50 g of Camembert well influences work of a nervous system, is prevention of caries, and also improves a condition of an adamantine substance of tooth. As as a part of cheese there is practically no lactose, even those who do not transfer usual milk and dairy products can eat it.
Camembert is contraindicated to pregnant women, in the period of a lactation and to children under 7 years as not pasteurized milk used for its preparation can become the listeriosis reason. It is worth refraining from the use of cheese also that at whom cholesterol level in blood above an average, and also to hypertensive persons and at individual intolerance of components of Camembert.
As it was told above, cheese is a part of many refined dishes of French cuisine. The simplest recipes with camembert cheese which with ease can be reproduced in house conditions are such as:
Camembert – not only tasty, but also very useful product. Daily using only 50 g of cheese it is possible to prevent development of many diseases, and adding it to daily dishes, to any in power to receive refined delicacies.
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