Application instruction:
Candide – the synthetic antifungal drug of a broad spectrum of activity used for treatment of fungal infections of skin and mucous membranes.
Candide as antifungal drug, is widely applied to treatment of various candidosis diseases, well getting into various skin layers and destroying cells of bacteria.
Active ingredient is active concerning many drozhzhepodobny, mold and barmy mushrooms (Torulopsis, Candida, Rhodoturola), dermatophytes (Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, Microsporum), and some strains of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium minutissimum, Bacteroides spp., Gardnerella vaginalis).
Drug is produced in the form of solution and external use cream:
Also Candide is let out in the form of vaginal tablets. Each tablet contains 500 mg of active ingredient of Clotrimazolum.
Candide according to the instruction is applied at:
Also Candide according to the instruction is applied to sanitation of patrimonial ways before childbirth.
Drug is contraindicated at hypersensitivity to active ingredient – Clotrimazolum. Use of ointment of Candide in the period of periods and in the first trimester of pregnancy is also contraindicated.
At appointment drug during chest feeding it is necessary to be careful.
Ointment and Candide's solution should not be applied on sites of skin at disturbances of integrity of integuments.
Candide's ointment, also as well as Candide's solution, in a small amount apply on the affected areas of skin which are previously washed up and dried up and rub.
Treatment is quite long, it should be continued on an extent from 2 to 4 weeks after disappearance of symptoms for prevention of a recurrence.
Candide's solution is applied on pilar sites of skin and at the big area of defeat.
Candide in the form of vaginal tablets is appointed before going to bed on 500 mg once. Also one tablet of 500 mg is enough for sanitation of patrimonial ways. The drug is administered intravaginalno, deeply.
Solution and Candide's cream extremely seldom causes side effects in the form of local irritation which usually passes afterwards independently.
At use Candida in the form of vaginal tablets emergence of an itch, burning, hypostasis mucous vaginas, allocations from a vagina, the speeded-up urination or a headache is possible.
According to Candide's instruction at simultaneous use with nystatin, Amphotericinum In and natamitsiny reduces the activity.
Safety of use Candida at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation was not investigated. Therefore purpose of drug in the first trimester of pregnancy, and also in high doses, on extensive sites of skin is not recommended and to carry out treatment for a long time.
Candide is allowed for non-prescription dispensing. A period of storage of tablets and solution –3 years, Candide's cream – 2 years.
Name of drug
Candide solution for an oral cavity of 1% фл 15 ml, Glenmark
339 rub.
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