Main > Food stuffs> Capers


Capers or kaporets, kaperets – unblown flower buds of a caper-plant (a kapersovy bush). In the diameter such bud makes about 1 see. The caper-plant in Southern Europe and North Africa grows. Original taste of caper and caloric content at a low level made this plant a popular product for the person more than 2000 years ago, and maybe earlier. Greeks began to use in food capers. Presumably, capers are obliged by the name to the Greek name of the island of Cyprus (Кипрос).

Каперсы - нераспустившиеся бутоны каперсового куста

Now capers make the countries of the Mediterranean: Turkey, Greece, Spain, Cyprus and the islands belonging to Italy. In these parts kapersovy bushes many centuries grow in the wild nature. Other states also try to cultivate this plant. So, in Armenia and Georgia part the relative of capers – джонджол or bladder-nut flowers.

Useful properties and caloric content of capers

The advantage of capers and their taste, original and refined, are appreciated by traditional cuisine of the southern people, and this product which appeared at us not too long ago began to win popularity quickly. Along with fine taste capers have invaluable advantage for health. So, the main medicinal properties of capers are:

1. Anesthetic;

2. Antiseptic;

3. Knitting;

4. Antiinflammatory;

5. Diuretic.

The advantage of capers is caused by rich structure of this product. Buds of a plant contain the following elements:

  • Cellulose;
  • Proteins;
  • Fats.

Seeds of a caper-plant contain about 36% of oil. Vitamins B structure of capers large number:

  • Vitamin A;
  • B1 vitamin;
  • B2 vitamin;
  • B4 vitamin;
  • B5 vitamin;
  • B6 vitamin;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin K;
  • RR vitamin.

Besides, the advantage of capers is presented by the wide list of the microelements which are their part:

  • Sodium;
  • Potassium;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper;
  • Selenium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Manganese;
  • Calcium.

Along with high advantage of capers their caloric content is very low therefore they can be eaten, without worrying about the figure. So, the caloric content of capers makes only 23 kilocalories.

However such valuable indicators as low caloric content of capers and advantage for health, are a little muffled in connection with too high content of sodium in them. The excessive maintenance of this microelement can negatively affect on health of the person. Therefore for neutralization of this harm, capers before the use soak in water. And here the advantage of capers at their soaking in olive oil will become very more notable. Caloric content of the capers preserved in oil remains practically at the same level, changing slightly and therefore even in this case they remain a dietary product. Nutritional value of tinned capers makes:

  • Proteins – 2 – 3%;
  • Fats – 0,9%;
  • Carbohydrates – 1,7%.

Use of capers

Since antiquity, this plant was used for healing of wounds, by disposals from tooth, cordial and a headache. For this purpose prepared broths from all parts of caper (flowers, fruits, roots, leaves).

Advantage of capers – in powerful antiinflammatory and analgeziruyushchy effect that is applied to fight against various diseases. So, the regular use of capers in food helps to cope with rheumatic pains. They are recommended to accept also at other problems with health:

1. Meteriozm;

2. Diseases of a thyroid gland;

3. Stomatology (disease of teeth and gums);

4. Cardiovascular pathologies.

Traditional medicine uses advantage of capers long ago and very actively. So, all parts of this plant are used by healers for fight against such illnesses as:

  • Hypertension;
  • Mange;
  • Jaundice;
  • Neurosis;
  • Brucellosis.

Still ancient Arabs cured various displays of an allergy and rheumatism by means of a caper root. Unblown buds of capers are an excellent stimulator for arousing appetite.

Now pharmaceutical industry also uses essential advantage of capers at production of medicines. So, capers use for production of drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

1. Soothing;

2. Diuretic;

3. Antiseptic;

4. Cholagogue.

In cookery use unblown buds, and also draws of this plant.

In fact, caper, in our understanding, is called marinated in vinegar, with salt addition, the unblown flower of a caper-plant though ripe fruits of a caper-plant can be also used in food, besides fresh. It is simple to collect buds of a caper-plant is a business simple, but the main thing – it is correct to process them: to salt or pickle.

Incomparable with anything, intensive taste of caper is formed thanks to those mustard oils which come out it in the course of a marinovka in vinegar. On a surface of capers, under the influence of marinade, white specks are formed - it is no other than crystallized Rutinum (actually, vitamin P). Ripe capers can be used and in the raw, but after all usually they are pickled.

Capers are an obligatory and important element of kitchen of various countries and the people. Bright, acute and salty taste of capers decorates various salads, pizza, sauces, meat and fish dishes. Low caloric content of capers and taste find the application at production of one of the most popular sauces - tartare sauce. Taste of capers is perfectly combined with olives.

Besides, in Greek cuisine, for example, in food use not only flowers and fruits, but also caper-plant leaves. They are also cooked or pickled, and then included in structure of salads and fish dishes. Dried leaves of a caper-plant are used at production of firm cheeses, for ferment, instead of an abomasum.

Каперсы маринованные

Contraindications and harm of capers

Because the huge amount of the substances exerting direct impact on an organism is a part of capers, their use should not be excessive. Especially it is connected with mentioned high content of sodium in them.

Harm from capers can be done to the person, in the presence of the following problems with health:

  • Hypotonia (low pressure);
  • Lock;
  • The increased sexual excitability.

Absolute contraindications to the use of capers are pregnancy – because of the increased content of sodium, and individual intolerance of this product, in this case it causes an allergy.

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