Main > Food stuffs> Crucian


Crucians – fishes of family cyprinid (group karpoobrazny). Sea crucians - the coastal fishes living in the Black Sea. Fresh-water crucians live in lakes and the rivers.

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Fish has a high body, moderately compressed sides, a large back and smooth scales. Length of a fresh-water crucian can reach sixty centimeters. The average size of a sea crucian – 13-16 centimeters. The weight and the size of fish depend on the place and conditions of her dwelling.

Distinguish three species of fresh-water crucians: crucian silver, ordinary, goldfish. A goldfish – the decorative aquarian small fish brought in China in the artificial way. The silver crucian is less exacting in food and breeds quicker therefore he very often forces out other species of fish.

Nutrition value and caloric content of a crucian

About 60% of a body of a crucian are suitable for consumption. Caloric content of a crucian makes only 88 kcal whereas fatter grades of fishes contain 3 times more calories (to 250 kcal on hundred grams of fish).

Fat in pulp of this fish is not enough (about 7%), but it is a lot of digestible and low-calorie protein (18%). Because of the low caloric content of a crucian quite often include in the medical menu at the excess weight, at various cardiovascular pathologies (in the baked or boiled look).

Properties and advantage of a crucian

Quality of this fish very much depends on the place of her dwelling. In boggy lakes the fresh-water crucian often smells of seaweed. The best fish on tastes is found in pure big reservoirs. Besides, there it larger also has no foreign smells.

The advantage of a crucian for a human body consists that its pulp contains group of irreplaceable amino acids. Irreplaceable amino acids promote increase in intelligence and speech abilities, sight improvement.

Pulp of this fish contains vitamins A, C, E, group B vitamins, and also minerals – sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, potassium, chlorine, nickel, chrome, molybdenum. Therefore crucian it is necessary to use for prevention of development of oncological diseases, and also for increase in body resistance to various infections.

The sea crucian is rich with the Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids supporting health of a brain, vessels, heart and all organism in general.

Besides, the advantage of a crucian consists that pulp of this fish stimulates work of the alimentary system, activates synthesis of enzymes.

In a body of a sea crucian the highest content of a microelement of iodine among all fishes living in the sea. Therefore this fish should be eaten in a large number at diseases of a thyroid gland.

The important advantage of a crucian is caused by the high content of calcium that promotes strengthening of bones, nails and hair.

WHO recommends to use 100 g of a crucian at least three weekly. Researches showed that the daily use of fish and refusal of other proteinaceous sources (meat, chicken, etc.) does not do harm to an organism.

Only fresh fish can bring to an organism benefit. Fresh fish is covered with transparent slime, gills at it bright red or light pink, scales brilliant. The surface of stale fish is covered with muddy slime, and scales pale and faded. The abdomen at stale fish can be inflated.

Ways of preparation of a crucian

The crucian is widely used in cookery. The set of ways of preparation of this fish is known. It it is possible to fry, pickle, dry, bake, to cook with it a fish soup or jelly, to smoke it or to dry. It is necessary to prepare fish with spices to remove a smell of seaweed, characteristic of a crucian. Before preparation of a crucian, as well as any fresh-water fish, it is necessary to wash out the concentrated saline solution. It is better to cut large fish on pieces, and small fish is prepared entirely.

Before baking a crucian in an oven, it is necessary to make several small cuts along edges that fish is better пропеклась.

Crucians fish soup is very useful to the people having an ulcer or gastritis.

At heat treatment pulp of a crucian cannot be overroasted or digested. For this fish there are enough ten minutes of cooking and fifteen minutes of frying. At an overheat pulp of fish becomes rigid and dry.

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Fried fish under sour cream – the most known way of preparation of a crucian. A rare dish, but and useful, the crucian welded in cream is considered not less tasty.

Fish can be salted, at the same time her pulp becomes red. In Korea this fish most often steam, according to the recipe of kitchen "томимён" (with mushrooms, beef meat and nuts).

The skeleton of a crucian consists of a set of ossicles. For this reason some culinary specialists advise to fry it in hot fan. In it practically all ossicles are as if dissolved, and large become crackling and fragile.

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