The anthrax represents the acute purulent inflammation of sebaceous glands and hair sacks which is characterized by a necrosis of tissues of skin and hypodermic cellulose, and also formation of the general infiltrate. As a rule, the person has a single anthrax, but cases when the multiple centers of an inflammation appeared are known. Causes of illness are similar to the reasons of emergence of furuncles. First of all, it:
Most often the anthrax develops on the back surface of a neck, in shovels, on a waist and buttocks. Much less often the disease affects extremities and a front part of a breast. The clinical picture of a disease is besides similar to a furunculosis. In the beginning there is a surface infiltrate, small by the sizes. The inflammation center quickly grows, renders the tearing pain which amplifies at a palpation. Skin in the place of defeat changes the natural color for a dark-purple shade.
After a while after emergence education breaks through a skin blanket. There are several openings through which the dense purulent mass of greenish-gray color is allocated. Several days later after break the anthrax forms big defect of an integument. This process is followed by merge of outlet openings, rejection of necrotic fabrics and an effluence of pus.
To the main signs testimonial of emergence of an anthrax, it is necessary to carry:
In certain cases patients begin to rave or faint. If the anthrax develops on a face, then adverse symptoms are expressed especially brightly and fall down only after rejection of necrotic fabrics begins.
As process of infiltration and a necrosis of fabrics of an integument is followed by a set of complications and the general aggravation of symptoms, - the patient needs urgent hospitalization in surgical department.
At early stages of a disease doctors use antibacterial therapy – solutions of antibiotics which are entered on inflammation center perimeter, and intake of sulfanamide drugs of the prolonged action. If conditions allow, then to the patient hemotransfusion becomes. Also influence an anthrax by means of UVCh and imposings of dry aseptic dressings with a streptomitsiiovy or sintomitsinovy emulsion.
Prescribe the patient a bed rest, give liquid food, soothing and cardiacs, appoint a milk and vegetable diet. If there was a front anthrax, treatment is followed by prohibition on a talk as the mimicry leads to bystry increase of intensity of inflammatory process.
If conservative methods did not result in desirable result and intoxication continues to accrue, - operational treatment of an anthrax is shown to the patient. Operation lasts literally several minutes. If doctors made everything correctly and considered specific features of an organism of the patient (existence of a diabetes mellitus, for example), then the forecast of treatment, as a rule, favorable. Otherwise, the anthrax which treatment was carried out in an inadequate way leads to a bad outcome, in particular, to emergence of serious cosmetic defects.
Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.
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