Cardamom is one of the most ancient spices, come to us from the East. It is famous not only refined and in something even for original taste and aroma, but also curative properties. In the Middle Ages the advantage of cardamom was well-known to doctors, it was even considered the most real panacea from many diseases, attributed it unique curative force.
The advantage of cardamom can be easily explained with its rich chemical composition. Its seeds contain fatty acids, starch, protein and microelements (manganese, copper, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus). At them there are also an ascorbic acid and vitamins of group B. In addition seeds of cardamom are rich also with the content of essential oils (limonene, terpineol, цитеол). These oils also give to cardamom its acute, burning, but at the same time a gentle and pleasant smell.
Cardamom is an excellent stimulator for the alimentary system. It is possible to refer to useful properties of cardamom also its antioxidant action thanks to which this spice promotes clarification of a human body from toxins and slags, protecting it thereby from numerous diseases of cardiovascular system and a musculoskeletal system.
The advantage of cardamom in treatment of obesity at anybody does not raise doubts. It considerably activates fatty and energy balance that leads to gradual weight reduction.
In drugstores cardamom tincture is on sale. It is applied to improvement of appetite, normalization of digestion, elimination of abdominal distention (meteorism).
Antiemetic property of cardamom allows to use tincture or broth of this spice for treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women.
The advantage of cardamom is obvious also at treatment of catarrhal diseases. It reduces expressiveness of pain in a throat, promotes decrease in the increased body temperature, softens cough.
This spice improves color sight, and also normalizes activity of a nervous system. It is proved that cardamom increases mood and vitality. Therefore doctors neuropathologists recommend it to patients with neurologic frustration and with depressions. At the expressed feeling of fatigue and bad mood, it is rather simple to chew one – two kernels of cardamom and you will feel inflow of cheerfulness and forces at once.
Cardamom is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. It improves a men's potentiality and reduces expressiveness of symptoms of a premenstrual syndrome at women. In urology cardamom is used in complex treatment of diseases of uric system (nephrites, cystitis, an urethritis).
The people having a hypertension are recommended to add small istolchenny grains of cardamom to coffee or tea since this spice partially destroys caffeine and allows to avoid increase in arterial pressure and development of tachycardia.
For bathtubs it is possible to use essential oil of cardamom. It perfectly removes nervous and muscular tension. But it is necessary to use it in the minimum doses. At pregnancy, existence of skin diseases oil of cardamom is contraindicated.
As well as any other spice, cardamom is a product with rather high allergenicity. Therefore if earlier you never used cardamom and you have an allergy, then it is desirable for you to see a doctor and to make the medical test. The people suffering from intolerance of ginger treat group of the increased risk.
It is not necessary to eat cardamom to persons with diseases of a liver and gall bladder, pancreatitis, gastritis and a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum. Harm of cardamom for them is that this spice strengthens production of gastric and pancreatic juice, bile, and it can become the reason of an exacerbation of a disease.
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