Main > Food stuffs> Kashasa


Kashasa – national Brazilian drink which is received by method of distillation of the begun to ferment sugarcane juice.

Drink Кашаса – национальный бразильский напитокof a kashas is known for the strong aroma which remains thanks to the fact that in the course of production only one distillation of extract of reed becomes.

Maintain a kashasa not less than half a year, only after that it can be spilled in bottles. Though the unrestrained kashasa can also be bought. It call "white" and use generally for preparation of cocktails. That drink which is made by rules call "gold" or "dark" and carry to a premium class.

Fortress of drink makes 39-40 degrees. It can sometimes reach 54 degrees.

Make a kashasa in house and industrial conditions.

In sale, the industrial kashasa goes for export most often, but true judges give preference to the drink made houses since he is expelled in small amounts, using ancient recipes and adding wheat bran or grain, soy, rice, cornmeal to reed.

It is not necessary to confuse a kashasa to rum – this drink is made in the similar way, but extract of reed is banished several times. Besides, at preparation of rum the secondary fraction – black treacle, but not pure juice is used.

Drink a kashasa or in pure form, or with a lime or a sugarcane.

Caloric content of a kashasa makes 225 calories.

Useful properties of a kashasa

Fortress of drink can be compared to the vodka fortress therefore at the internal and outside use of a kashas also shows antiseptic properties.

On the basis of drink it is possible to prepare recreational tinctures. For example, at the broken metabolism, problems with a nervous system, the general slackness can be helped by tonic tincture which part the crushed crude oranges (500 гр are.), kashasa (500 ml), sugar (1 kg). Components mix and cook a little. After cooling means is ready to the use. Drink tincture on 50 ml once a day.

If there are problems with pressure, the tincture prepared from the crude green walnuts (100 pieces), sugar will help to recover it (800 гр.), kashasa (1000 ml). Prepare means so: nuts cut on four parts, fill up with sugar, add a kashasa then put to the dark place for 2 weeks. It is desirable to stir up capacity with tincture periodically, every other day. Drink means filtered, on 3-8 teaspoons a day, in 3-4 receptions, to food. Tincture will be useful also to those who want to clean a liver and intestines, to warn problems with memory. At desire, instead of sugar it is possible to use honey.

Important Пьют кашасу с лаймомsoblyudatyukazanny dosages of tinctures as at exceeding of norm they can aggravate a problem but not eliminate, or warn her.


Kashasa – rather strong drink therefore it is contraindicated to children up to 18 years, to women who expect a baby, or is nursed.

Kashasa is famous for the fact that next morning after her use if the norm was the day before exceeded, the head very strongly hurts. Therefore, as well as in a case with other types of alcohol, it is desirable not to abuse drink. It is impossible to forget also about a possibility of development of alcohol addiction.

Kashasa irritates mucous a stomach therefore it is undesirable to drink her that who has diseases of a stomach, intestines in a chronic stage or a GIT ulcer.

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