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Useful properties of cashew

This South American nut very fairly holds upper places in lists of delicious nuts as it has remarkable taste and mass of useful microelements in structure.


Cashew is a thermophilic evergreen tree which has a thick twisting trunk and sprawling branches. In height the similar tree grows to 15 meters. In the homeland of cashew except the nut eat also apple which for us is a delicacy – because it quickly spoils, it is impossible to bring him to one other country.

Different people of the world use this nutlet differently. At some, for example, it is considered powerful aphrodisiac, at others – means against asthma, and the third use properties of cashew at treatment of diabetes and gastric disturbances. Some people in the ancient time used this nutlet, strangely enough, for drawing tattoos.

The official medicine claims that cashew has antibacterial, antimicrobic, antiseptic, tonic and anti-dysenteric properties.

The advantage of cashew is also that at its inclusion in food it is possible to lower cholesterol level considerably. It also guarantees the correct exchange of fatty acids and proteins in our organism. By means of such nuts it is possible to normalize work of cardiovascular system, and also it is essential to strengthen immunity. All medicinal properties of cashew are explained by existence in it of a large amount of vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. Also the content of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron is high.

Cashews at a dentagra, dystrophy, psoriasis, disturbance of exchange processes and anemia are irreplaceable.

Of course, as well as in other nuts, there is a lot of calories in cashew: so, in 100 g of this product contains the whole 600 kcal, but also it is a lot of in it mineral connections and vitamins. For example, contents in these nutlets of vitamins B, PP and E which are incredibly useful to women is high. Besides, they contain also calcium (37 mg on 100 g of a product), iron (6,68 mg on 100 g), magnesium (292 mg), phosphorus (593 mg), sodium (12 mg), potassium (660 mg) and zinc (5,78 mg).

For the high content of calories of cashew recommend to use to the people having exhaustion or anemia if it is necessary to gain weight. However and nutritionists advise those who wants to get rid of extra kilos the same. As cashews are well acquired and sate, they promote reduction of the caloric consumed food. Certainly, at the same time is them it is necessary in small quantities, replacing other dishes.

Use of cashew

Cashew consists of two parts: apple and nutlet. Apples have pleasant sourish pulp which is used not only in the raw, rather often do jams, compotes, jelly, alcoholic drinks and seasoning which is called "chatn" of it. In the countries of Latin America kazhuin drink which is received from the apple juice diluted and enriched with sugar from a cashew tree is especially popular. These apples are rich with tannin, but spoil within 24 hours therefore are not transported to other countries.

Nuts are quite widely used in cookery as are fine independent snack, an excellent component of many salads, the first and second courses, and also confectionery and sauces.

Cashew can be eaten both in crude, and in a fried look. At the same time the fried nutlet has sweet and soft taste.

Qualitative nutlets gather in India, Brazil, Kenya, Tanzania, Benin, Mozambique and on Madagascar. Both collecting, and cleaning of this type of nuts happens manually. As these works are labor-consuming and dangerous, the price of cashew is rather high.

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Harm of cashew

Along with big advantage of cashew has also harmful properties.

Nut is never on sale in a shell as in it there are very caustic substances, such as кардол and anakardovy acid. At hit on skin these elements can cause the strongest irritation, and here at accidental hit in an organism they can provoke poisoning. Knowing this property of cashew, they are carefully processed before sale – accurately take from a shell and cleared of a cover. For the same reason they are not sold in a natural crude look, and previously subject to heat treatment in the course of which the oil which is contained in nut also capable to cause poisoning completely evaporates.

The main contraindication to the use of cashew is their intolerance or an allergy.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.