Human brain – so complex body that it is still not studied thoroughly. The modern science continues to study actively features of its structure and functioning. In a human brain there is a set of departments, each of which performs a certain function, however all these departments are inseparably linked among themselves.
Quite often after passing of magnetic and resonant therapy in the conclusion it is possible to read a set of unclear terms which will be able to understand unless the experienced specialist. One of such terms is "the cyst of a transparent partition of a brain".
This diagnosis is not rare. Approximately at 25% of the patients who passed MRT it is possible to see similar record in results of inspection. What the diagnosis such is?
The brain of the person is covered with three layers of a meninx: firm, arachnoid (arachnoidal) and soft membrane. Under an arachnoidal cover liquid spaces in which liquor (the fluid medium surrounding a brain) circulates are located. The transparent partition of a brain consists of two laminas of marrow which are divided by means of the slit-like cavity located between a front part and the arch of a corpus collosum of a brain. A cyst of a transparent partition – a type of an arachnoidal cyst when liquid accumulates between plates of a transparent partition of a brain.
By origin such cysts divide on inborn (primary) and acquired (secondary). Various postponed diseases, inflammatory processes in a cover of a brain, an injury, concussion and hemorrhage can become the reason of the acquired cysts.
The cyst of a transparent partition in a certain part of a brain, in the safest place is localized.
When the patient receives on hands results of magnetic and resonant therapy with result "an arachnoidal cyst of a transparent partition of a brain", he should address for consultation the neurosurgeon or the neurologist.
It is necessary to know that the cyst of a transparent partition of a brain is not pathology, but anomaly of development. In most cases the cyst is an option of normal anatomy of a brain which does not constitute essential danger to the patient. The similar cyst asymptomatically proceeds and does not demand special treatment.
But if the cyst has not the inborn character and acquired and is caused by various diseases or injuries, it can have such symptoms as a headache, feeling of squeezing of the head, a sonitus, a hearing disorder and other signs.
The main danger of a similar cyst – a possibility of its uncontrollable growth therefore it begins to press on any department of a brain, complicating its full work.
For this reason the cyst demands regular observation by means of the MRT-research. The doctor will recommend to the patient to undergo periodically magnetic and resonant therapy each 6-12 months.
If by results of another control research it becomes clear that the cyst increases in sizes, it means that the damaged factor continues the negative impact on a brain therefore it is a push to search of the reason which promoted emergence and growth of a cyst.
MRT is capable to give information only on an arrangement and the sizes of a cyst, and to here establish the reason of its emergence careful inspection of the patient regarding autoimmune diseases, infectious processes, blood circulation disturbances can help. To the patient conduct a heart research on an ECG and EHO-KG, a blood-groove research on brain vessels on UZDG, blood test on coagulability and level of cholesterol, monitoring of arterial pressure, analyses on various infections, etc.
Drug treatment of a cyst of a transparent partition by means of resorptional and nootropic medicines can be in certain cases appointed.
About more than a half of similar cysts do not need any treatment at all, however treatment of that disease which provoked emergence of a cyst can be appointed directly.
Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.
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