Cyst – the soft, hollow, pathological education filled with liquid, forming in various fabrics and bodies.
Joint cyst – a secondary disease, the cavity connected to joint fabric filled with liquid which forms owing to inflammatory processes, injuries, degenerative diseases of a joint.
The joint cyst in most cases affects the most mobile joint complexes of an organism: knee, hip, ankle joints.
The cyst of a joint represents the roundish, slow-moving new growth having from several millimeters to 5 cm of a diameter diameter, which is easily giving in to a palpation. The cyst of a joint is characterized firmly - an elastic consistence and a clear boundary. Cystous education is localized in a projection of a synovial bag or a sinew of a joint. In most cases the cyst of a joint forms from its back. The cyst of a joint is not soldered to a hypodermic fatty tissue and skin. Externally the cyst of a joint has no special signs, the surface of skin over cystous education remains invariable (there are no reddenings, changes of its structure). In medical practice it is not recorded cases of regeneration of cysts of joints in malignancies.
The cyst of a joint forms and develops asymptomatically, without causing inconveniences to the patient. Morbidity at a palpation is absent. Certain painful feelings can arise in the course of work of a joint.
Cysts of joints very labilna (change the size, can disappear completely). Cystous educations can be single (with formation of one cavity) and multiple (with formation of a set of small cysts).
Main symptoms of a cyst of a joint:
The cyst of a joint is more often observed at the patients having arthritises, arthroses, osteoarthroses. The cyst of a joint is not an independent disease, and is a consequence of injuries, chronic, degenerative diseases of a joint, inflammatory processes.
The main diagnostic methods of a cyst of a joint are:
These methods of a research allow to establish the disease which became the reason of formation of a cyst, to reveal extent of damage of a joint, to determine the size and localization of a cyst of a joint in fabrics, to make a biochemical research of contents of cystous education.
Knee joint – the articulate complex connecting tibial and femoral bones, and also a patella (patella). The cyst of a knee joint forms on its back. The created cyst is localized in a popliteal space. The cyst of a knee joint is also called Becker's cyst.
Cystous education does not bring discomfort to the patient, however, reaching the essential sizes, can squeeze vessels and nerves that in turn leads to fibrinferments, phlebitis, inflammations, neuritis, a varicosity, hypostases, an anesthesia and numbness of a shin.
The main risk when diagnosing a cyst of a knee joint is its gap with outpouring of contents in nearby fabrics that can provoke inflammatory process in fabrics. The cyst of a knee joint is in most cases caused by frequent injuries.
Hip joint – the multiaxis, spherical articulate complex formed by a joint surface of a head of a femur and a semi-lunar surface of an acetabular hollow. The cyst of a hip joint can not have external manifestations as a cyst of a knee joint.
The pathogeny of a cyst of a hip joint is also characterized by formation of the cavity filled by synovial fluid. At such type of cystous education the patient feels morbidity at the movement much earlier, than at defeat as cysts of other joints (knee, talocrural). Many patients note constraint of movements, discomfort, numbness, an anesthesia of the struck area.
The cyst of a hip joint is diagnosed by means of MRT and a radiographic research. This type of cystous educations arises owing to inflammatory, degenerative diseases, than injuries more often.
The ankle joint represents a joint of foot and bones of a shin (collision, fibular and tibial bones). The cyst of an ankle joint differs in the smaller sizes, its formation also proceeds asymptomatically, is localized on the joint back. The cyst of an ankle joint is also a consequence of degenerative processes of a joint, injuries.
Treatment of a cyst of a joint can be conservative and radical. The joint cyst which is not causing discomfort to the patient also demands timely treatment in order to avoid a rupture of its capsule and an inflammation of nearby fabrics.
Conservative methods of treatment of a cyst of a joint assume:
Radical method of treatment of a cyst of a joint is surgical excision of a new growth. Now the endoscopic techniques of removal of cysts of joints having a number of advantages are applied: small mechanical damage of fabrics, low-invasiveness of manipulation, painlessness, bystry recovery of the patient after manipulation.
Operation is performed under local anesthesia. During manipulation the surgeon carries out full removal of the capsule of a cyst that interferes with its repeated emergence, and also takes in a weak point of the capsule of a joint the special seam promoting its strengthening.
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