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Clover meadow

Description of a clover meadow

Многолетнее растение – клевер луговойThe clover meadow is a perennial plant with the straight lines which are slightly trimmed the stalks, small dark red small flowers collected in spherical heads. From the botanical description of a clover meadow it is known that it belongs to bean. The clover gives flowers in July, August, during its this period and prepare for further use with the medical purpose. Dry a clover on air, displaying a grass with flowers a thin layer, or at a temperature of 60-70 degrees in special dryers. It is possible to store a clover grass year, and inflorescences – 2 years. Preparing medicinal raw materials it is important to be able to distinguish a clover meadow from a clover hybrid or creeping – contains in these plants of useful substances less. White and pink, respectively, inflorescences, more smooth leaves and a creeping, but not direct stalk distinguish a creeping and hybrid clover.

Grow up a clover generally as fodder culture for farm animals, but also curative properties of a clover meadow are known: stalks, leaves, flowers contain salicylic, ascorbic, coumarinic, keto-glutaric acids, radio and fat oils, pitches, carotene, glycosides изотрифолин and трифолин, alkaloids, tannins, flavanols, vitamins B, E, salts of phosphorus, calcium.

Also the root of a clover meadow is useful – from it emit antifungal substance (трифолиризин), apply as anticarcinogenic means, antiinflammatory in gynecology, to treatment of hernia.

In general the clover meadow is appreciated that it renders the antiseptic, knitting, diuretic, expectorant, styptic action.

Use of a clover meadow

Цветы и трава клевера луговогоStalks of a plant apply as means from a scurvy and atherosclerosis, rickets, malaria. The folk remedies prepared from clover stalks help to kill a headache and eliminate dizziness, increase appetite, serve as an antiseptic agent.

Tinctures and broths apply at anemia, a metrorrhagia, an adynamy, asthma, short wind, cancer. Juice from stalks is applied according to the same indications, and also, at long cough, bronchitis, poisonings, gout, acute cold.

Outwardly broths from stalks apply at abscesses, diathesis, malignant new growths, burns, to removal of rheumatic and other pains, healing of wounds, mitigation of skin.

Clover juice is also used outwardly – for treatment of diseases of eyes, ears, felons, hernias.

Useful properties of a clover meadow are applied in homeopathy – include essence from the blossoming fresh clover in composition of various drugs.

Leaves of a clover help to heal wounds, to stop bleeding.

Juice from leaves of a clover is applied at exudative diathesis (scrofula). Broth from leaves is applied locally at burns, abscesses, to processing of tumors, removal of pains, an inflammation, healing of wounds.

Separately mark out useful properties of flowers of a clover. They can also be applied outwardly and inside. Decoctions from flowers of a clover it is good to process wounds, decubituses, burns, ulcers, abscesses, to treat to a felon and a paronychia, eye and ear diseases. Inside accept broths at an anemia, a scrofula, gastritis, colitis, asthma bronchial, chronic cough, an urolithiasis, cholecystitis, diathesis.

Use of a clover meadow gained big distribution in traditional medicine. Such recipes of tinctures and broths are known:

1. Broth from roots of a clover meadow: it is necessary to take 20 g of the crushed roots, to fill in them 200 ml of hot water, to boil on the water bath under a cover (it is desirable in the enameled ware) for half an hour then, without cooling, at once to filter, wring out roots, to bring water boiled to initial 200 ml. Accept such broth from a root of a clover meadow on a tablespoon 4-5 р / day to food.

2. Flowers decoction: 20 g of flowers fill in 250 ml of water, 15 minutes boil, draw half an hour, filter. It is necessary to drink such broth 3-4 р / day on 0,25 glasses.

3. Flowers infusion: 20 g of flowers fill in 200 ml of the boiling water, maintain hour, filter. Drink clover infusion 3 р / day on 2-3 spoons of dining rooms or on 0,5 glasses.

4. Infusion from stalks, leaves (grass) of a clover: 40 g of raw materials fill in with boiled water (200 ml), maintain hour, filter. It is necessary to drink infusion on 0,25 glasses 3-4r/put.

5. Juice clover is prepared from stalks, flowers, plant leaves. Drink it on 1/4 or 1/3 glasses, mixing with honey 3-4 р / day.

For external use of a clover meadow broths are prepared according to the same recipes.

Besides, useful properties of a clover meadow can be used also for prevention of those diseases which the plant helps to cure. For this purpose it is regularly possible to make and have tea from flowers of a clover, and to do salads of fresh young leaves.


Pregnant women cannot apply a clover in the therapeutic purposes, tendency to diarrhea and that who is disturbed by chronic stomach aches is that in whom are found a varicosity, thrombophlebitis, estragenozavisimy cancer. It is undesirable to accept clover infusions and broths at heart troubles, a stroke.

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