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Cocktails for weight loss

Which of us does not dream of a beautiful and slim figure? Как приготовить зеленый коктейль для похуденияAnd who did not try to lose weight at least once in life? Everything was used: various diets - fashionable and not really, medicines, infusions of herbs, physical exercises to exhaustion.

Each person knows that it is almost impossible to lose weight without regular exercise stress. But, on the other hand, process of loss of extra kilos at visit of the gym can and be strengthened if in addition to trainings to replace one or several meals low-calorie, but in too time, with products, for example special cocktails, useful to an organism, for weight loss.

All of us perfectly understand that different tasty dishes which we eat considerably exceed the requirements necessary for our organism on the caloric content. So, to lose weight, it is necessary to reduce the caloric content of the diet, but so that not to hunger painful. This task is also solved by cocktails for weight loss. They can be bought in shop, and it is possible and to prepare that, naturally, it is more preferable.

Efficiency of similar cocktails is rather high. And not without reason among them is even such which are called cocktail "Lose weight".

Ready cocktails for weight loss

The most part of the cocktails which are on sale in shops and drugstores is made on the basis of soy protein. Sometimes they are produced on an egg or milk basis. Also are their part: the cellulose inflating at dissolution, lactobacilli, cellulose, pectin, fruit extracts. All these substances are used for imitation of good nutrition.

At reception of cocktails for weight loss harmful substances and toxins are removed from an organism. Use them usually instead of a breakfast or a lunch. In the rest of the time a diet usual, but the caloric content of dishes has to be reduced.

Using ready mixes of cocktails for weight loss, attentively study the instruction. In 100 g of mix there should not be more than 10 g of fats, and carbohydrates over one and a half grams should not fall on each gram of protein.

Recipes of cocktails for weight loss

For preparation of cocktails for weight loss in house conditions it is possible to use various fruit, natural yogurt, kefir, carrots, tomatoes and ice. Ice is used in order that the organism spent more energy for digestion of the received nutrients, using it on warming up of the digested food.

The products crushed in the blender fill in with kefir, tea, water and add ice. Drink turns out fragrant, refreshing and reduces appetite. It is not recommended to cook cocktails for the future. Quite often such cocktails call smuz.

We offer you the most popular recipes of cocktails for weight loss:

  • Smuz carrot and tomato. For its preparation it is necessary to crush one tomato and one carrots of the average size in the blender. The received mixed vegetables are parted with skim milk or kefir to desirable density. If you add a little some red pepper or ginger, then drink will develop an excellent refined taste. It contains a large amount of vitamin A and lycopene therefore it possesses fat-burning action.
  • Water-melon smuz with a kiwi. Nobody will argue on advantage of the water-melons and kiwi rich with many useful substances. Rind with a kiwi, add water-melon pulp, a lemon segment, mix in the blender and add ice. This cocktail for weight loss according to reviews in hot summer days not only will help to reduce fatty deposits in sides and a waist, but also will perfectly satisfy thirst.
  • Apple and celery juice. The celery helps to bring excess liquid out of an organism and splits fats. Together with apple it will give you sense of fulness at least for 2-4 hours.
  • Avocado-raspberry cocktail. For breakfast it is possible to make remarkable cocktail, having mixed avocado, raspberry, flakes of porridge in the blender and having dissolved this mix with green tea.
  • Молокочай. Differs in unusual and pleasant taste. For its preparation it is necessary to make one teaspoon of black tea of 0,5 l of the boiling milk. To allow to infuse. At will it is possible to add one-two teaspoons of honey to drink. Молокочай it is possible to drink as we heat, and cold.

As you see, there is a lot of recipes of cocktails for weight loss. Besides, women big inventors in questions of preparation of various drinks. But the main thing governed – not to be overzealous.

Reviews of cocktails for weight loss

As well as any other food stuff, cocktails have the pluses and minuses. It is possible to carry the low caloric content, full replacement of one or two meals, a saturation of useful elements to their merits. They are almost harmless to our organism. Exceptions make only cases of development of allergic reactions at individual intolerance of any products.

At reception of cocktails for weight loss sometimes there is an ease of a chair. At their further use this side effect usually takes place. If the problem with bowel emptying remains, then it is necessary to reconsider the products entering cocktail and to replace them with others.

Do not forget that it is impossible to use a lot of sugar for preparation of cocktails for weight loss since it will result in the return result. Excess of protein in a diet can also do much harm. The adult has enough 45-60 g of protein a day therefore using proteinaceous cocktails, reduce protein content in a usual diet.

Green cocktail for weight loss

Using a large number of greens, we not only clear an organism of slags, but also we enrich it with oxygen.

Green cocktail for weight loss the remarkable means helping not only to get rid of the excess weight, but also to enrich the organism with vitamins and microelements. Besides, the cellulose which is contained in greens leaves has ability to inflate, give effect of satiety and to bring slags and toxins out of an organism.

We know, the greens leaves are more dark, the it is more in them than the chlorophyll containing magnesium. It accelerates a nitrogen metabolism and increases saturation of all cells of an organism oxygen.

Using green cocktail for weight loss in the mornings, it is possible to get rid in a week of 2-3 extra kilos.

Useful substances at the greens crushed in the blender are absorbed quicker due to destruction of a cellular cover.

For preparation of green cocktail it is necessary to take 60% on the weight of any fruit and 40% of greens (lettuce leaves, parsley, fennel, a celery, mint, spinach, etc.) and to crush carefully in the blender. Then to dissolve the received mix with mineral water or tea to a desirable consistence.Коктейли для похудения - отзывы и советы

Cocktail "Lose weight"

There are several types of cocktails "Lose weight" which not only will help to get rid of excessive weight, but also to make skin elastic, beautiful. It is the simplest to make cocktail "Lose weight" on mineral water.

For its preparation you will need 1 branches of mint, 1 cucumber, 1 lemon, 1 tsp of ginger. Carefully crush all ingredients in the blender and add eight glasses of mineral water to the received mix. Put for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator.

Cocktail "Lose weight" drink on one glass twice a day. Its reception promotes not only weight reduction, but also elimination of hypostases, improvement of a metabolism.

Drink cocktails and grow thin on health!

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.