Main > Diseases> Joint contracture

Joint contracture

Short characteristic of a disease

In translation from Latin the contracture means "tightening". In principle, such definition quite is suitable for this disease. It sharply limits mobility of joints (pulls together them) by change of nearby soft tissues. This process is followed by severe pain, and finally the contracture of a joint leads to a full immovability of extremities.

Joint contracture reasons

  • the inflammations and injuries provoking the beginning of destructive process;
  • deformation of the bones making a joint under the influence of arthroses or arthritises;
  • loss of elasticity of sheaves and joint capsule;
  • reduction of length of the muscles providing the movement of components of a joint

Disease effects

Контрактура сустава

In the absence of the adequate, weighed treatment the contracture of a knee or elbow joint leads to a full immovability of an extremity (anchylosis). If the disease developed to this stage, then only an operative measure therefore do not neglect a visit to the doctor at the first unpleasant symptoms will help.

Let's notice that all contractures are subdivided on inborn (appear as a result of hereditary defects of a musculoskeletal system) and acquired which form as a result of an adverse effect of external environment. Any of these forms can lead to the most sad effects, for example, to functional frustration. In particular, the contracture of an ankle joint does not allow the person to move normally, leads to flat-footedness and deformations of extremities. Similar impact is made also by a contracture of a knee joint.

Not less danger deformations in an upper body have. It is enough to tell that the contracture of an elbow joint does a hand completely afunktsionalny, reduces human life to banal self-service and the elementary work.

Diagnosis of a disease

The main sign of adverse processes in joints is severe pain with the subsequent disturbance of normal work of extremities. Degree of manifestation of symptoms depends on the nature of process (acute or chronic), the reasons of emergence of a contracture, its localization and age of the patient. Statement of the exact diagnosis requires full inspection of the patient and use of such modern medical technologies as MPT, KT and a X-ray analysis.

Treatment of a contracture of a joint

Now in domestic and foreign clinics are used both conservative, and surgical treatment of a contracture. In the first case doctors use the following events:

  • gymnastics;
  • medical massage;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (influence of UV, electrophoresis);
  • medicamentous therapy (hormones, analgetics);
  • manual therapy (joint and muscular technicians);
  • medical blockade.

Лечение контрактуры плечевого сустава

The essence of blockade consists in administration of special drugs in a joint cavity. At the expense of it the contracture of a joint develops much more slowly. Also the pain syndrome is more weakly expressed.

In general, conservative methods are directed to recovery of normal amplitude of movements of an extremity. At their use the contracture of a knee joint proceeds with the smallest complications, in particular, the painful symptomatology is removed, restrictions in a joint almost completely disappear, the tone of the muscles weakened earlier and supply of joints with nutritious elements improves.

The main goal of physicians – to eliminate puffiness, to remove inflammation symptoms, to recover mobility of a joint. In general, the modern medicine not bad copes with these tasks, but remember that successful treatment of a contracture is possible only if you saw a doctor in time.

Whether you know that:

The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.