Main > Food stuffs> Smelts


Smelts – gregarious fish of family salmon. Smelts – the sea fish through passage having the isolated lake populations. On spawning more than 100 km from the sea usually go to streams and the rivers on distance. It is eurysynusic and has high number.

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Has the extended body covered with large scales. A side is silvery, a mouth big, a back of brown-green color. Eats fish roe, zooplankton and juveniles. Reaches weight 160 гр. and lengths to 30 cm.

Distinguish the European and Asian zubaty smelts.

Fish is widespread in the North Sea of the Old World: German, Baltic, White and Ledovity. This main habitat of fish. However it is widespread also in deep big lakes of Northwest Russia and Sweden.

Fish lives only in clear water and gives preference to deep cool waters in the summer, and in the winter it can be seen in shallow water.

Catch smelts preferential during the spawning course. At this time fish loses the care therefore it is very easy to catch it. For catching use networks, a seine and other traps. This species of fish is one of the most popular for amateur fishery.

Properties of smelts and caloric content

At fish fat and gentle pulp. Fish is very easily cleaned and has practically no scales. Caviar at it very tasty.

Pulp of fish contains many useful microelements and minerals, such as iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, molybdenum, chlorine and fluorine.

Caloric content of smelts is at 100 гр. a product makes 102 Kcal.

Nutrition value: fats – 4,5 гр., proteins – 15,4 гр., carbohydrates – 0 гр.

Useful properties of smelts

Meat of sea smelts is very useful thanks to the high content of useful substances. Its regular use is recommended to all people. Especially this fish is useful in a diet to elderly people.

On sale this fish is smoked, salty, cooled and frozen.

Besides, the sea smelts contain vitamins A, D, group B vitamins. Not without reason during the spring period the smelts are called "vitamin". Perhaps for this reason it smells not of fish, and a fresh cucumber.

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Recommendations to consumers of smelts

The majority of populations of smelts, in particular in the Far East, is in a favorable state and have no contraindications to the use.

And here the condition of the Nevsky smelts which in large numbers are caught in St. Petersburg fills some with misgivings recently. In recent years its quantity was quite strongly reduced, and the condition of places of spawning in lower reaches of Neva considerably worsened.

Ecologists pay attention that in Neva this fish is often caught near a sewerage collector.

Whether you know that:

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