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from 298 rub.

Креон 10000

Kreon – the fermental drug used at disturbances of processes of digestion and also for treatment of a mucoviscidosis at children.

Pharmacological action

Active ingredients of Kreon – pancreatic enzymes, improve digestion processes, facilitating a proteopepsis, carbohydrates, fats that leads to their fuller assimilation.

Kreon is quickly dissolved in a stomach, releasing the minimicrospheres containing enzymes of animal origin with amylolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic activity which, mixing up with intestinal contents, promote their best distribution and lead to disintegration of molecules of starch and lipids.

According to reviews about Kreona, drug is well transferred both by adults, and children.

Release form

Drug is produced in the form of the capsules, firm gelatinous kishechnorastvorimy with the transparent case, containing various amount of active ingredient – Pancreatinum:

  • Kreon 10000 – contains 150 mg of Pancreatinum; on 10 and 25 pieces in the blister, on 20 and 50 pieces in polypropylene bottles;
  • Kreon 25000 – contains 300 mg of Pancreatinum; on 10 and 25 pieces in the blister, on 20, 50 and 100 pieces in polypropylene bottles;
  • Kreon 40000 – contains 400 mg of Pancreatinum; on 20, 50 and 100 pieces in polypropylene bottles.

Contents of capsules – minimicrospheres kishechnorastvorimy beige color. Excipients – gipromelloza phthalate, a macrogoal 4000, cetyl alcohol, диметикон 1000, triethyl citrate.

Indications to Kreon's use

According to the instruction Kreon apply as replacement therapy at insufficiency of exocrine function of a pancreas:

  • Chronic pancreatitis;
  • Pancreatic cancer;
  • Shvakhmana-Daymond's syndrome;
  • Decrease in fermentobrazuyushchy function of digestive tract at elderly people;
  • Mucoviscidosis;
  • Pro-current obstruction owing to a new growth;
  • Pancreatectomies.

Kreon according to the instruction apply to symptomatic therapy at disturbances of processes of digestion:

  • Total gastrectomy;
  • Biliary obstruction;
  • Cholestatic hepatitis;
  • States after a cholecystectomia;
  • Partial resection of a stomach;
  • Pathologies of terminal department of a small bowel;
  • Excess growth of bacteria in a small bowel;
  • Duodeno-and gastrostaza;
  • Cirrhosis.

Also for children Kreon rather often appoint during recovery after diarrhea.


According to the instruction Kreon is contraindicated at the aggravated or acute pancreatitis, and also at individual intolerance of Pancreatinum of a pork origin or other components of drug.

Also Kreon it is not necessary to apply at early stages of pancreatitis.

At Kreon's use by children for a long time, it is regularly necessary to undergo control at the specialist.

For an exception of possible damage of a large intestine at Kreon's use, especially in high doses, it is necessary to watch emergence of unusual symptoms in an abdominal cavity.

Application instruction of Kreon

Креон 25000

Kreon apply during food, swallowing capsules entirely. A half or a third of a single dose is recommended to be accepted just before meal, and other part – during food.

Kreon's dose by the instruction is determined individually, depending on disease and the applied diet, using Kreon in various dosage-10000, 25000 or 40000.

At a mucoviscidosis the initial dose of Kreon for children up to 4 years makes 1000 PIECES of a lipase on 1 kg, for children 4 years - the 500th lipases on 1 kg are aged more senior. Kreon apply during each meal as the main, and additional. Usually apply to children Kreon 10000. In case of difficulty of swallowing of the capsule, they can be opened and to add the minimicrospheres which are contained in them to liquid food with acidity of pH<5. Такую смесь делают непосредственно перед приемом, поскольку она не подлежит хранению.

At insufficiency of function of a pancreas at various nozologiya the dose is defined depending on results of control of a steatorrhea and expressiveness of symptoms of a disease for maintenance of 10 000 PIECES of a lipase on 1 kg a day.

Kreon's dose can vary from 20 000 to 75 000 PIECES of a lipase during the main meal, and during reception of easy food – from 5 000 to 25 000 PIECES of a lipase.

Also for prevention of strengthening of locks it is necessary to provide constant reception of liquid in sufficient volume.

According to Kreon at overdose can cause a hyperuricemia and a hyperuricuria. In this case Kreon it is necessary to cancel and carry out symptomatic therapy.

Kreon's use during pregnancy and a lactation was not investigated therefore it is possible to use drug only according to testimonies of the doctor.

Side effects

According to Kreon causes side effects very seldom. Change of a chair, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pains can be observed.

At Kreon's use for children insignificant skin reactions sometimes appear.

Storage conditions

Kreon 10000 and 25000 is released without medical recipe, Kreon 40000 – according to the recipe of the doctor. Kreon period of storage 10000 – 2 years, Kreona 25000 and 40000 in bottles – 3 years. The opened bottle to keep no more than half a year.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Kreon 10000 capsules of 150 mg 20 pieces

298 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Kreon 10000 капс 10000ED No. 20, Abbott GmbH

299 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Kreon 25000 capsules 300 of mg of 20 pieces

585 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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