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Smoking during breastfeeding

Smoking is way of removal of tension for many people. Nursing mothers often meet difficulties which return them to this a stress to the lowering habit. Tobacco smoke contains not less than 3800 components, and nicotine is the substance causing accustoming. Cigarette smoke is harmful to children as it increases risk of respiratory infections and lung cancer.

Вред курения во время грудного вскармливания

Harm of smoking during breastfeeding

Researches show that if the woman smokes before feeding, then nicotine is transmitted to the child through breast milk. Half-life of nicotine makes about one and a half hours, that is it all the same will be in chest milk within not less than three hours after smoking. Smoking during breastfeeding can suppress release of milk, and also reduces the level of vitamin C which the child receives through breast milk.

Nicotine is toxic, and influence of high level of nicotine through milk can cause nicotine addiction and poisoning with nicotine in the child. Symptoms of nicotine addiction at children include sleep disorder symptoms, headaches and irritability. Symptoms of poisoning with nicotine at children are vomiting after feeding, gray skin color, a liquid chair, increase of pulse and concern. If the child is affected by passive smoking, then the risk of a syndrome of sudden children's death increases.

The biggest health hazard of the child because of smoking during breastfeeding are:

  • Risk of receiving a respiratory allergy by the child;
  • Delay of process of growth and development of the child;
  • Risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Acrimony;
  • The increased risk of development of an apnoea (an apnoea on short periods);
  • Squint;
  • Hearing disorder;
  • Vulnerability to infections;
  • Allergies;
  • Immunodeficiency.

Babies who are affected by cigarette smoke because of smoking during feeding have much higher incidence of pneumonia, asthma, ear infections, bronchitis, infections of bosoms and irritation of eyes.

Than the bigger quantity of cigarettes and the more often occurs process of smoking during feeding by a breast, the bigger risk for health of the child. If the woman cannot or does not want to leave off smoking, then it is the safest for the child reduction of quantity of cigarettes is.

The leading pediatricians consider that not only the nicotine which is transmitted through milk of mother influences the child, but also smoking with the child works in one room as an irritant. Children who are affected by passive smoking in the house have the low level of cholesterol in blood. Recent researches show that in families where both parents are smokers, the risk of emergence of lung cancer in the child in further life doubles.

Smoking during feeding by a breast influences prolactin level – hormone which influences production of milk.

In one of researches (Laurberg 2004) it is specified that smoking during breastfeeding by women who live in areas with easy or moderate iodic insufficiency leads to reduction of content of iodine in the breast milk necessary for a thyroid gland of the child, in comparison with non-smoking mothers. Authors of a research assumed that nursing mothers who smoke have to accept iodinated products in addition.

To reduce risk of incidence of the child when smoking during feeding, it is necessary to conform to the following rules:

  • First, it is necessary to smoke in the room, certain of the child, or on the street not to subject the child to additional consumption of secondary tobacco smoke and solid particles;
  • Secondly, it is better to smoke right after feeding to reduce nicotine level in milk before the following feeding;
  • Thirdly, the quantity of cigarettes is desirable to reduce up to 5 pieces a day.
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