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from 117 rub.

Лапчатка кустарниковаяCinquefoil – the phytodrug with antiinflammatory, fortifying, antimicrobic and haemo static action which is widely applied in traditional and traditional medicine.

Pharmacological action

The cinquefoil belongs to one of the largest childbirth of plants on number (family Pink).

Generally the sort consists of perennial plants, but also forbs meet one-year, two-year-old. The sort received the name from the Latin word potents that means strong or powerful as salutary properties of many representatives of a sort are applied in medicine long ago.

And known are the most widespread the Cinquefoil white, the Cinquefoil goose, the Cinquefoil shrubby and the Cinquefoil upright.

Cinquefoil white – a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick scaly rhizome and thin short stalks. Grows preferential in Europe, preferring light coppices, meadows and grassy slopes. The cinquefoil white is applied in traditional medicine since the 18th century to treatment of a thyroid gland, dysentery, diseases of a liver of digestive tract and cardiovascular system. Outwardly apply to treatment of an anthrax, furuncles, abscesses, abscesses, using antiseptic and wound healing properties of a plant.

Cinquefoil goose – a perennial low herbaceous plant. Other names – the Goose pad, the Caterpillar or a convulsive grass.

Rhizome of the Silverweed goose – low-branchy, thick, scaly, with high content of protein and starch.

Apply as a medicinal plant, using usually leaves which contain organic acids, tannins, flavonoids and fat oil. Broth and infusion of the Silverweed goose possesses the styptic, anticonvulsant, knitting, antiseptic and diuretic action. The Cinquefoil goose is applied to treatment of inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity and a throat, and also at skin damages – cuts, burns and various inflammations. Is a part of Potentilla anserina homeopathic remedy.

Cinquefoil shrubby – a much-branched bush. Other names – Kuril tea or the Cinquefoil shrubby. The cinquefoil shrubby grows preferential in mountain places on the wet trained soils. It is widely applied in the Mongolian and Indo-Tibetan medicine as broths at gastrointestinal diseases. Thanks to a large amount of biologically active compounds, the Cinquefoil shrubby will be applied as antiinflammatory, styptic and a calmative.

Cinquefoil upright – a perennial plant with low upright stalks. Other name – Kalgan wild or Kalgan grass.

The rhizome and root of the Silverweed – ligneous, cylindrical, unevenly reinforced, short also contains a large amount of biologically active compounds: tannins, flavonoids, essential oil, glycoside торментиллин, red pigment флобафен, ether торментол, cinchonic and ellagic acids, phlobaphenes, gum, wax, pitches, starch and sugar. The cinquefoil is applied as spice, as raw materials to production of paint and as the styptic, knitting, fortifying, protivoozhegovy, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory drug in traditional and traditional medicine.

Also the root of the Silverweed reduces permeability of capillaries, has vasopressor effect and the protecting fabric from bacterial, chemical and mechanical influences.

Release form

The cinquefoil is released in the form of the crushed vegetable raw materials in cardboard packs on 50 g, 75 g, 100 g and vegetable powder in packages filters on 2,5 g.

Also the root of the Silverweed is a part of various collecting and teas.

Indications to use of the Silverweed

The cinquefoil is applied at:

  • Gastritis;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Dysentery;
  • Cholangitis;
  • Nephrite;
  • Colpitis;
  • Hepatitis and cirrhosis, including ascites;
  • Coloenteritis;
  • To eczema;
  • Bleeding of gums;
  • Cracks of skin and burns;
  • Stomatitises;
  • Pharyngitises;
  • Ulites;
  • Enteritis;
  • To diarrhea;
  • Ulcer colitis;
  • Peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Gout and rheumatism;
  • Bleedings of various etymology;
  • Vaginitis and erosion of a neck of uterus;
  • Atopic dermatitis and diffusion neurodermatitis.


The root of the Silverweed is contraindicated only at individual intolerance of a plant.

Application instruction of the Silverweed

Лапчатка белаяThe cinquefoil is applied both inside, and outwardly.

The cinquefoil is applied inside in the form of infusion or broth on 3-4 times a day. Broth or infusion usually accept 30 ml, tinctures – till 25-30 drops. At cirrhosis apply the Cinquefoil in the form of infusion three times a day on 40-100 ml in 2 hours prior to food. The course of treatment is long, up to two months. As prevention it is possible to apply the Cinquefoil in the form of broth or infusion twice a year during the autumn and spring period duration on a month.

Outwardly the Cinquefoil is applied to syringing, by rinsings of an oral cavity, water dressings, lotions and applications, applying broth or infusion.

For healing of burns and deep cracks 1 tablespoon of the crushed root of the Silverweed is boiled in one glass of unsalted butter of 10-15 minutes then still warm filter.

Side effects

The cinquefoil extremely seldom causes side effects in the form of allergic reactions.

Storage conditions

The root of the Silverweed can be bought in a drugstore without recipe. A period of storage – 3 years.

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Rhizome cinquefoil ф / pack ice 2.5g No. 20, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

117 rub.

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