Main > Drugs> Magnolia vine Chinese

Magnolia vine Chinese

Лимонник китайскийThe magnolia vine Chinese represents a biogenic stimulator of the central nervous system.

Pharmacological action and properties

The magnolia vine Chinese has psychogogic and all-tonic effect.

Use of this phytodrug allows to strengthen reflex activity and processes of excitement in structures of a brain, to increase working capacity and to reduce exhaustion at intellectual and exercise stresses.

Magnolia vine Chinese, properties are caused by effect of active components, includes in the structure vitamin C, carbohydrates, organic acids, essential oils, схизандрин (tonic substance).

Tincture of a magnolia vine Chinese is applied for the purpose of stimulation of the central nervous system, initiation of breath, increase in arterial pressure, strengthening of force of cordial reductions, by increases in the general working capacity. Oil of seeds of this medicinal plant is recommended to be accepted for normalization of processes of digestion and improvement of hearing, sight and other types of sensitivity.

Indications to use

The magnolia vine Chinese, use is coordinated with the doctor, is appointed at:

  • the lowered arterial pressure;
  • the increased drowsiness;
  • intellectual and physical fatigue;
  • intensive exercise stresses;
  • influence of factors of the environment of extreme character (the ionizing radiation, hypoxia, overheat, overcooling);
  • sexual frustration;
  • decrease in hearing, sight or other types of sensitivity;
  • long debilitating diseases and the postponed infections.

Application instruction

Лимонник китайский настойкаIn drugstores the magnolia vine Chinese is presented in the form of spirit tincture, powder and capsules containing oil of seeds.

Magnolia vine Chinese tincture is recommended to be accepted on an empty stomach or after food in 4 hours: 2-3 times a day till 20-30 drops.

According to the same scheme is accepted also other forms of drug, with replacement of a single dose of tincture by 0,5 g of powder or one capsule.

Side effects

Use of a magnolia vine Chinese can become the reason of such undesirable effects as increase in arterial pressure, a headache, a sleep disorder, tachycardia, allergic reactions.

Contraindications to use

Properties of a magnolia vine Chinese cause a contraindication of this drug to the persons suffering from a hyperexcitability, arterial hypertension, sleeplessness, epilepsy, acute viral and infectious diseases and a liver failure.

The instruction does not recommend to accept a magnolia vine Chinese: to children up to 12 years, to the women bearing children or nursing and also persons with hypersensitivity to this phytodrug.

Additional information

Finding of a magnolia vine Chinese in the dark and cool place will ensure safety of its medicinal properties within 4 years.

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