Application instruction:
Lekrolin – medicine for topical administration in ophthalmology with antiallergic action.
Dosage form – drops eye: colourless or yellowish transparent liquid (on 10 ml in plastic bottles droppers, in a cardboard pack 1 bottle; on 0,25 ml in a tube dropper, in the paper laminated three-layered packages on 10 pieces, in a cardboard pack 2 packages).
Active ingredient of Lekrolin – кромогликат sodium, in 1 ml – 20 mg.
Auxiliary components: polyvinyl alcohol, глицерол, dinatrium эдетат, water for injections (besides, in bottles droppers – a benzalkoniya chloride).
Drops are intended for introduction to a conjunctival sac.
The recommended dosing mode: on 1-2 drops 4 times a day in a cavity of each eye.
At seasonal allergic conjunctivitis preventive use should be begun prior to the beginning of a season of emergence of pollen, treatment – at emergence of the first symptoms of a disease and to continue during the entire period of blossoming until symptoms completely disappear.
When using a tube dropper it is necessary to follow some rules. Having opened a package along the put line, and having separated a tube dropper, it is necessary to be convinced that all contents are in its lower part. Then to open a tube and having dug solution in both eyes to throw out it with the available drug remains. To carefully close a package before the following procedure.
Eye drops contain in a bottle dropper a benzalkoniya chloride – the preservative causing symptoms of irritation of eyes. Patients with contact lenses before use of drops need to remove lenses from bottles and again to establish them not earlier than in 15 minutes after installation.
Eye drops do not contain preservative in a tube dropper and are intended for single application. Drops in a tube do not slow down healing of corneal or conjunctival wounds, they should be applied at hypersensitivity to preservatives, use of contact lenses of any type.
It is necessary to follow rules of an asepsis, not to allow contact of a tip of a pipette with an eye.
After each procedure the bottle needs to be closed densely.
Right after use of drops there can be a short-term disturbance of clearness of visual perception therefore it is necessary to refrain from performance of work, demanding sight clearness, including control of vehicles and mechanisms.
At simultaneous use of Lekrolin with other drugs of symptoms of negative interactions it is noted.
Use of a kromoglikat of sodium can promote decrease in need for use of glucocorticosteroid ophthalmologic drugs.
To store in the place protected from light at a temperature of 15-25 °C. To protect from children.
Period of validity – 3 years.
After opening of packaging of a drop are suitable for use within 1 month.
Name of drug
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