Application instruction:
Levamisole – protivogelmintny and immunomodulatory drug.
Active ingredient of Levamisole has antivermicular and immunomodulatory effect.
As protivogelmintny means Levamisole Dekaris is highly effective at an ascaridosis, and shows smaller efficiency at a necatoriasis, a strongyloidosis, a trikhostrongiloidoza, an ankilostomidoza. As the immunomodulatory drug Levamisole strengthens and normalizes cellular immunity, most likely influencing on macrophages and T lymphocytes.
Levamisole Dekaris is produced in a look:
Excipients – povidone, lactoses monohydrate, magnesium stearate, starch corn, talc, sucrose and dye a sunset yellow (for the tablets Levamisole of 50 Mg).
Levamisole according to the instruction is applied as a helminthicide at:
As the immunomodulatory drug Levamisole Dekaris is used at:
Also Levamisole is applied in intervals of cytostatic treatment of leukemia a condition of remission at Hodzhkin's disease.
According to the instruction Levamisole is contraindicated at the agranulocytosis caused by medicines in the anamnesis and also at hypersensitivity to Levamisole.
Levamisole is not applied to children under 3 years, also to children do not appoint Levamisole Dekaris of 150 mg.
With care apply Levamisole at hemopoiesis oppression, at diseases of a liver, kidneys, cerebrovascular disturbances, and also at simultaneous use with other drugs which influence a hemogenesis.
According to the instruction Levamisole is accepted as a helminthicide once in the evening, one tablet of 150 mg. Children also accept in the evening once the dose calculated proceeding from body weight:
If necessary reception of Levamisole can be repeated in one-two weeks.
As it is possible to accept the immunomodulatory drug Levamisole each two weeks on one tablet of 50 mg in a row three days or once 150 mg.
It is undesirable to apply at the same time Levamisole with ethanol because of a possibility of development of disulfiramopodobny reactions, and at simultaneous use of warfarin with Levamisole development of bleeding is possible.
Strictly controlled adequate researches of safety of use of Levamisole of Dekaris at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation were not conducted owing to what use of drug is not recommended during these periods without strict indications and medical control.
According to reviews Levamisole can cause sleep disorders, anorexia, nervousness, nausea, a lock, a depression, vomiting, dermatitis, diarrhea, skin rash, stomatitis.
Also perhaps disturbances of taste or sense of smell, mialgiya, weakness, fever, arthralgia.
The agranulocytosis, increase in cholesterol, acute pancreatitis and thrombocytopenia according to reviews causes Levamisole extremely seldom.
During treatment Levamisole according to the instruction does not recommend alcohol intake.
The Levamisole period of storage – 5 years, drug is released according to the medical recipe.
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