Main > Drugs> Levosin


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 76 rub.

Левосин мазьLevosin – antibacterial drug.

Pharmacological action

Levosin – the combined means for external use rendering antiinflammatory, the antibacterial, anesthetizing, regenerating action.

Sulfadimethoxine, chloramphenicol (levomycetinum), methyluracil, Trimecainum is a part of drug. An ointment basis Levosin – water-soluble polyethyleneglycol.

Chloramphenicol shows activity against streptococci, meningokokk, stafilokokk, the causative agent of gonorrhea, a stick intestinal, hemophilic, salmonellas, shigellas, klebsiyella, serration, iyersiniya, a protea, spirochetes.

Sulfadimethoxine influences a shigella, a stick intestinal, hemophilic, plague, a cholera vibrio, clostridiums, activators of a malignant anthrax, diphtheria, chlamydias, toxoplasma.

Methyluracil has antiinflammatory effect, accelerates cell regeneration.

Trimecainum – the non-toxic anesthetic of local value which is characterized by stronger and long action than novocaine. Trimecainum does not render irritant action.

Polyethyleneglycol – prolongs and strengthens antibacterial action of components of drug.

There are reviews of Levosin, leading to reduction of hypostases, clarification of wounds for already two, three days of use.

Release form

Produce ointment Levosin in tubas and banks.

Indications to Levosin's use

According to the instruction Levosin apply to healing of the purulent wounds which are at the first stage of a wound process (it is purulent - necrotic).


Levosin according to the instruction is contraindicated at individual intolerance. There are no data on safety of use of means during pregnancy, a lactation.

Negative reviews of Levosin, applied along with other drugs are absent.

Application instruction of Levosin

ЛевосинOintment is used for impregnation of gauze sterile napkins which impose on a wound surface (or рыхло it is filled). Recommend to impose ointment after removal of the died-off fabrics, processing of a wound hydrogen peroxide.

Use Levosin by his introduction to the cavities filled with pus through a drainage tube is possible. Before holding such procedure ointment is warmed up to 35-36grd.

Tie up wounds every day before their full clarification.

Side effects

Levosin can lead use to emergence on rash integuments (allergic reaction because of intolerance of means).

Frequent and prolonged use of ointment can lead to side effects or strengthen them. If it occurred, ointment should be cancelled and carried out symptomatic therapy.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Levosin ointment for external use of 40 g

76 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Levosin ointment 40 of, Nizhpharm (N. Novgorod)

81 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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