Lycopene – substance from group of carotinoids. It is a pigment, and contains in the basic in tomatoes, causing their red coloring.
Lycopene does not collapse under the influence of heat treatment therefore it contains in the dishes and products prepared from tomatoes. Moreover, high temperature changes a carotinoid structure in such a way that it begins to be acquired better and more stoutly by an organism. Tomato paste, sauces for spaghetti, ketchups are examples of such products. Tomato paste contains in 30 times more of lycopene, than fresh tomatoes. The daily use of two glasses of tomato juice provides the daily need for lycopene.
In small amounts lycopene is present at pink grapefruit, a water-melon and some other fruit and berries. Except tomatoes it contains in such vegetables as pumpkin, carrots, red pepper.
Since uchena discovered lycopene in products, they quite in detail studied its useful properties.
Antioxidant properties of lycopene are most studied. In a number of the conducted researches it was shown that regular consumption of the products containing in the structure каротиноидликопин reduces probability of cardiovascular diseases and a prostate cancer. Especially it concerns to fans of tomatoes which are richest with lycopene, the content of this useful substance in an organism in direct ratio to its receipt with food.
Lycopene fights against peroxide oxidation in an organism, blocking free radicals of oxygen. Scientists give reviews of lycopene as about one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, comparing it to vitamins E, With, And. First of all the advantage of this pigment is reflected on health of immune system because thanks to a likopid protective cells of immunity – macrophages and cells killers are activated. Immune system guards uncontrolled reproduction of own cells of an organism as it happens at tumors.
There are works in which reviews of lycopene as about a good cardioprotector sound. High level of lycopene in a human body reduces probability of heart attack by 50% in comparison with the people having the reduced maintenance of a carotinoid.
Thanks to the same antioxidant properties lycopene reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in blood serum, reducing or preventing displays of atherosclerosis.
Positive influence of lycopene on the alimentary system includes the following manifestations:
Lycopene takes part in maintenance of acid-base equilibrium in blood, activates a metabolism thanks to what excess weight is lost.
On circulatory system its action is shown in strengthening of vascular walls and capillaries thanks to what the probability of bleedings decreases.
Lycopene in products has antifungal and antibacterial properties: except that it promotes quite long storage of vegetables in which contains, he also helps an organism to fight against infectious activators.
Useful properties of lycopene use also in cosmetology, it improves health of face skin, fights against excessive dryness and pigmentation, skin becomes more equal and young by sight.
The lowered level of lycopene is noted at patients with HIV infection, at cold, at the high level of cholesterol. Some researchers say that aging, alcohol and tobacco smoking also lower the maintenance of this carotinoid in an organism.
Antidepressant Klomipramin causes an orgasm in 5% of patients.
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