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Lemon for weight loss

Нормализация обмена веществ - польза лимона для похуденияThe lemon is a unique natural means. Most of us regularly has tea with a lemon or just uses lemons for increase in immunity. But this citrus has one more surprising property – it promotes weight loss. Than the lemon is useful to weight loss?

Advantage of a lemon for weight loss

The lemon takes part in the majority of digestive and cleaning processes of an organism:

• contributes to normalization of a metabolism;

• adjusts assimilation of nutrients in an organism;

• promotes feeling of satiety;

• brings toxic substances out of an organism.

Citric acid perfectly stimulates digestion processes, enters fermental reaction and brings slags and toxins out of an organism, including heavy metals, thanks to the high content of pectinaceous substances. Amazing property of a lemon is that it at the same time dissolves and brings toxins out of an organism and recovers the necessary balance.

The pectin which is contained in a lemon dried peel is capable to present feeling of satiety for four hours thanks to what it is possible to control own appetite and, respectively, the weight. At pectin fibrous structure. When it gets into a stomach, it acquires structure of viscous gel which is capable to envelop intestines walls. Thanks to it the organism slowly absorbs sugar that also prevents development of a diabetes mellitus.

It is useful to use a lemon together with a dried peel as it contains many essential oils.

Lemon juice is also useful to weight loss. It stimulates digestion, thereby promoting weight loss. Thanks to lemon juice acidity increases that helps to be acquired well to calcium which replaces fat in cells.

There is a lot of ways of weight loss with a lemon: lemon diets, water with a lemon for weight loss, lemon juice and teas with a lemon, ginger or honey.

Lemon diet

This option of use of a lemon is suitable for weight loss to those who except excess weight also have:

• sleeplessness;

• strong sweating at night;

• hypostases;

• problems with digestion and intestines;

• an unpleasant smell in an oral cavity;

• periodic headache;

• differences of mood.

Завтрак лимонной диеты - вода с лимоном для похуденияThe most surprising in this diet the fact that there will be no need to refuse favourite food, only the most harmful as the main principle of this diet consists not in restriction of the eaten food, and in simple addition to food of lemon juice.

Every day it will be necessary to add one glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the diet. Thus, in the first day you will drink one glass of juice of a lemon, in the second – two glasses and so on. It is important to drink water with a lemon for weight loss before food since the morning – only thus it will be possible to be exempted from harmful substances. But, for example, in the fifth day it is not necessary to drink everything in the morning till a breakfast, and it is better to distribute during the day.

Juice has to be warmed up to the room temperature as cold water with a lemon for weight loss can slow down digestion, on the contrary.

So it is necessary to continue within six days, the seventh fasting day – is applied honey and a lemon to weight loss: it is necessary to drink the juice of three lemons diluted with three liters of water and mixed with one spoon of honey. From the eighth day the return order begins: from six glasses in six days as a result we come to one.

Teas with a lemon and ginger for weight loss

For weight loss tea with a lemon and ginger is very effective. It can be prepared according to the following recipe: cut thin strips the cleared ginger root, fill in it with water and bring to boiling, then reduce fire and boil thoroughly within 15 minutes. When tea cools down to room temperature, squeeze out in it juice of a segment of a lemon and add honey. At will, with a lemon and ginger for weight loss it is possible to add mint or a melissa to tea.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.