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The rain orchid is two-leaved

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Любка двулистная - многолетнее травянистое растение семейства ОрхидныхThe rain orchid two-leaved is a type of herbaceous perennial tuberous plants which belong to a sort of the Rain orchid of family of the Orchid family. Height of such plants can be from 20 to 60 cm, and on a structure they remind an orchis. The rain orchid has only two roots which are radical and have the ovate-extended form. Flowers at a plant white, are more rare – with a greenish shade, they have the stupefying and strong smell. By the way, feature of a rain orchid is that it smells only at night.

The name of a sort is connected with the most ancient legends that the plant it has improbable magic properties as is a strong love potion and a love medicine.

This northern orchid has a lot of interpretations of names among which there is "wild orchid", "wild balm", "a field jasmine", "the night beauty", "night spirits". In England this small flower is called an orchid butterfly.

The rain orchid two-leaved occurs on glades, forest edges, wet meadows, in the light woods, among bushes.

Medicinal raw materials in this plant are tubers.


Considering decorative and medicinal properties of a plant, perspectives of its introduction to culture are now studied.

The rain orchid two-leaved has broad use in traditional medicine. However, the rain orchid is included into the list of the plants needing protection, and therefore collecting and preparation of medicinal raw materials are prohibited in the nature. For this reason often such grass only for bouquets gathers in places of growth.

Tuberiform roots of an orchis and rain orchid (which still call cones, a salep or a kiselny root) for preparation of broth have to be shipped in boiled water for several minutes, and then are dried. Such broths are good at poisonings, also they give to a sick organism additional forces. By the way, such tubers in old times were considered as a love potion. However, now because of rare distribution of a grass collecting kiselny roots is strictly forbidden.

The rain orchid two-leaved has horn-shaped and very firm tubers, in the dried state they can be stored in paper packages in the cool and dry place. Such tubers use as powder for production of the mucous broths applied as the excellent softening, antiinflammatory and enveloping means. It is possible to crush a plant in the coffee grinder.

Mucous broths and slime from powder of tubers of a rain orchid two-leaved apply at fever, a dentagra, a large number of female diseases, bladder inflammations, at any poisoning with poisons, nervous exhaustions, spasms, abscesses, digestive tract diseases, impotence, paralysis, wounds, abscesses, the inflammatory centers and ponosa. Also drugs of a rain orchid can be good contraceptive. At a dentagra fresh tubers put directly to the sick site.

In tubers of a rain orchid two-leaved the set of nutrients of which people knew since ancient times therefore salep tubers always were highly appreciated enough is saved up. Researches showed that only 40 g of powder of tubers of a rain orchid on milk or water are capable to support the whole days strengths of the person up to standard. For this reason the salep became the main element of food stocks in long campaigns. Treatment by a plant is especially recommended in children's medicine.

To prepare infusion from a rain orchid, it is necessary to fill in with a glass of boiled water a teaspoon of thinly crushed tubers, then to leave this mix for 16 minutes in the warm place that infused. It is recommended to drink such infusion hot. And here at children's ponosa it is better for cooled to accept infusion.

To prepare medicinal slime of a rain orchid two-leaved, 200 ml of water and 5 g of slime are required. It is initially necessary to fill in powder with a small amount of water (cold boiled), and then to shake up, add hot water and again to shake up. It is necessary to shake up until gelatinous homogeneous mass as a result does not turn out.В лекарственных целях используются корни любки двулистной

For preparation of broth it is necessary to take powder (3-10 g) and to shake up it in 10 parts of boiled cold water. After that to add 90 parts of boiled water and again to shake up until uniform, ropish and transparent slime is formed. To accept broth advise three times a day on a tablespoon.

Sorcerers recommend to use drugs of a rain orchid two-leaved at senile age for maintenance of forces, and also after long bleedings and serious illnesses.

Rain orchid tubers at dystrophy as they are means which recovers the affected health are effective.

Contraindications to use

Contraindications to use of a rain orchid two-leaved are absent.

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