Application instruction:
The logistician – low-dosed monophase combined peroral contraceptive is oestrogenic-gestagenny drug.
Dosage forms:
Content of active ingredients of Logest in 1 tablet or 1 dragee:
Excipients: starch corn, поливидон 25 000, lactoses monohydrate, sucrose, поливидон 700 000, calcium carbonate, macrogoal 6000, wax mountain glycolic, magnesium stearate, talc.
Logest's use is shown for peroral contraception.
With care, having carefully weighed the expected advantage and potential threat to health, it is recommended to appoint Logest to women with the following risk factors: a hysteromyoma, a fibrous and cystous mastopathy, smoking, fibrinferments, existence at any of the immediate family at young age of a myocardial infarction, disturbance of cerebral circulation or a breast cancer, obesity, a dislipoproteinemiya, migraine (with lack of focal neurologic symptomatology), pathologies of valves of heart, arterial hypertension, disturbances of a cordial rhythm, serious surgical intervention, a long immobilization, an extensive injury, a system lupus erythematosus, liver diseases, a diabetes mellitus without vascular complications, a gemolitiko-uraemic syndrome, nonspecific ulcer colitis, a disease Krone, phlebitis of superficial veins, a sickemia, a gipertriglitseridemiya.
Besides, patients at whom against the background of the previous use of sex hormones or during pregnancy such pathologies as a cholestasia, jaundice, diseases of a gall bladder, a porphyria, an otosclerosis with deterioration in hearing, Sydenham's trochee, herpes of pregnant women arose for the first time or were aggravated need consultation of the doctor prior to administration of drug.
It is necessary to consider that at a hereditary Quincke's disease exogenous estrogen can strengthen or cause symptoms of a Quincke's disease.
The logistician accept inside, washing down with enough water.
Dosing mode: from the first day of a menstrual cycle on 1 tablet or dragee a day (using drug from a cell corresponding to a day of the week), always in at one time within 21 days. Then the break lasting 7 days follows, during this period usually for 2-3 day menstrualnopodobny bleeding begins. For the 8th day after completion of reception of tablets (dragee) from the first blister even if bleeding of cancellation did not end, it is necessary to begin administration of drug from the following blister at the scheduled time.
At the beginning of administration of drug from the second to the fifth day of a menstrual cycle, it is recommended during the first 7 days of use of tablets or a dragee from the first blister in addition to use a barrier method of contraception.
Upon transition from the previous peroral contraception, use of a contraceptive plaster or a vaginal ring it is preferable to begin Logest's reception: next day after the last gormonsoderzhashchy tablet of the previous drug (including 21 tablets), but not later than the day following a seven-day break or after the last inactive tablet from packaging on 28 tablets; in day of removal of a plaster or vaginal ring, but no later than estimated date of gluing of a new plaster or introduction of a new ring.
To pass from gestagensoderzhashchy contraceptives mini-saw the woman can without interruption (in any day), an implant or an intrauterine contraceptive (Mirren) releasing гестаген – in day of their removal, an injection form – in day of an estimated following injection. In each of cases it is necessary to use in addition during the first 7 days barrier methods of contraception.
The woman can begin administration of drug after abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy in day of operation without use of additional measures of contraception.
Administration of drug after abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy or childbirth is recommended to be begun for 21-28 day after operation or childbirth if there is no breastfeeding. At later beginning of peroral contraception reception of tablets or dragee during the first 7 days should be accompanied with additional methods of contraception. If during the period after abortion or childbirth the woman had a sexual contact it is necessary to exclude existence of pregnancy or to start Logesta's reception from the beginning of the first periods.
Contraceptive protection depends on observance of a regularity of administration of drug.
At delay in reception of the next tablet (dragee) less than 12 hours contraception is not broken. It is necessary to accept the passed drug dose at once as soon as remembered and to continue reception in the usual mode.
Contraceptive protection decreases at delay in reception more than for 12 hours. The admission of the next dose is closer than the passed tablets (dragee) to a seven-day break and the more, the probability of pregnancy increases more. Having rummaged in reception never has to exceed 7 days. It is always necessary to observe the recommended dosing mode as for achievement of required suppression гипоталамо - pituitary and ovarian regulation needs 7 days of continuous administration of drug.
At accidental delay of reception at the scheduled time more than for 12 hours (more than 36 hours from the moment of reception of the last dose) on the first week of use of Logest, it is necessary to take the passed pill (dragee) at once as soon as remembered even if it is necessary to accept 2 doses at the same time. Further drug is accepted in the usual mode. During the next 7 days it is necessary to resort to additional methods of contraception. If within the last week to the admission the sexual contact took place, there is a probability of conception.
At reception delay more than for 12 hours on the second week of therapy drug should be accepted urgently even if it will mean reception of 2 tablets (dragee) at the same time. The following pill (dragee) is taken at the scheduled time. If in the last 7 days before delay drug was accepted without disturbances of the mode, additional barrier measures of contraception are not required. At disturbance of the mode of use or the admission more than two tablets (dragee) – during the next 7 days of administration of drug are required barrier methods of contraception.
At the admission of the next dose on the third week of therapy reliability of contraception is subject to big risk because of the forthcoming 7 days of a break in reception. On condition of observance of a regularity in reception of the previous 7 tablets (dragee) additional barrier methods are not required. Having accepted the passed dose, it is possible to continue administration of drug from the current blister at the scheduled time, and without doing a seven-day break to begin administration of drug from the following blister. In this case menstrualnopodobny bleeding until the end of the following blister is improbable, the smearing or breakthrough bleedings can be observed.
The second option of actions at the admission of a tablet (dragee) on the third week of therapy consists in interruption of administration of drug from the current blister and a premature seven-day break (including day of the admission) and to continue use from the following blister according to recommendations.
In the absence of cancellation bleeding in a break between administration of drug against the background of the admission of tablets (dragee) it is necessary to see a doctor to exclude pregnancy.
At vomiting or diarrhea during 4 hours from the moment of reception of a dose of drug, because of risk of incomplete absorption it is necessary to take the measures provided in recommendations at the admission of reception.
At desire to delay the beginning of bleeding of cancellation it is necessary to continue after end of the previous blister Logesta's reception from the following blister without interruption. It is possible to continue reception before end of all tablets (dragee) in the blister. During this period the smearing or breakthrough uterine bleedings can be observed. After a seven-day break it is necessary to continue use of drug from the new blister.
For change of day of the beginning of bleeding of cancellation on a desirable day of the week it is necessary to reduce the next break by the necessary number of days. The probability of absence of bleeding of cancellation of subjects is higher, than shorter having rummaged in reception, at the same time the risk of the smearing bloody allocations and breakthrough bleedings at administration of drug from the following blister increases.
Prior to drug use the patient needs to pass full gynecologic (including a research of mammary glands and a cytologic research of cervical slime) and all-medical examination, to exclude disturbances of process of a fibrillation and pregnancy.
It is necessary to consider that against the background of administration of drug at women 35 years are more senior and when smoking the risk of developing of arterial thromboses increases.
The probability of development of thromboses is increased at obesity, arterial hypertension, fibrillation of auricles, diseases of valves of heart, the burdened family anamnesis, a dislipoproteinemiya.
Because of risk of a thrombogenesis use of drug should be stopped in 6 weeks prior to planned surgery and in the period of a long immobilization. It is necessary to resume the peroral combined contraception after end of an immobilization in 2 weeks.
In case of hypostases and pains on the course of veins in the lower extremities, a sudden asthma, acute pains and feeling of weight in a breast it is necessary to stop reception of tablets (dragee) and to see a doctor.
Against the background of use of hormonal contraceptives change of a usual menstrual cycle, properties of cervical slime, rectal temperature is possible.
When developing severe pains in the bottom of a stomach, a continuous skin itch, migraine, severe headaches, a heavy depression, essential increase in arterial pressure, sudden change of hearing, visual perception or the speech, increase of spasms drug it is necessary to cancel and conduct the corresponding examination.
During the first months of adaptation of an organism emergence of intermenstrual insignificant bloody allocations is allowed, in case of increase in their intensity or emergence in later period of use of Logesta it is necessary to see a doctor.
In the absence of cancellation bleeding in the period of a seven-day break in administration of drug, it is necessary to see a doctor prior to reception of tablets (dragee) from the new blister.
At a concomitant use of the drugs influencing Logesta's efficiency it is recommended to apply additional barrier contraceptives during treatment and the next 7 days, and at therapy by rifampicin – 4 weeks after the end of reception.
To the patients inclined to emergence of a hloazma, it is recommended to avoid direct sunshine during drug use.
The accompanying therapy by other medicines can cause decrease in contraceptive efficiency of oral contraceptives and/or breakthrough bleedings. During this period it is recommended to use in addition barrier or other methods of contraception.
Logest's efficiency decreases at simultaneous use of ampicillin, rifampicin, tetracyclines, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, griseofulvin, Phenytoinum, carbamazepine, phenobarbital.
At purpose of other medicines the woman has to inform the doctor on reception the means estrogen-gestagennogo combined peroral contraceptive.
To store in the place, unavailable to children:
Period of validity: tablets – 3 years, a dragee – 4 years.
Name of drug
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