Application instruction:
Loratadin – antiallergic means, H1 receptors blocker.
Dosage forms:
Active agent – лоратадин:
Auxiliary components of tablets: lactoses monohydrate, starch corn, silicon dioxide colloid, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethylstarch, cellulose microcrystallic, talc.
Loratadin in the form of tablets or syrup accept in 1 times a day.
The recommended daily dosing:
Development of convulsive states, especially at predisposed patients, at reception of a loratadin completely it is impossible to exclude.
Use of drug at an impaired renal function or a liver is possible only after the corresponding dose adjustment.
Loratadin's combination to the medicines inhibiting isoenzymes of CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 or those that with their participation are metabolized in a liver including erythromycin, Cimetidinum, кетоконазол, флуконазол, quinidine, fluoxetine, can promote change of level of contents in a blood plasma of these means and/or a loratadin.
Simultaneous use with ethanol, Phenytoinum, barbiturates, tricyclic antidepressants, rifampicin, ziksoriny, phenylbutazone (inductors of a microsomal oxidation) causes decrease in clinical performance of a loratadin.
To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature up to 25 °C. To protect from children.
Period of validity – 3 years.
Name of drug
Loratadin - Teva тбл 10 mg No. 7, the Pharmaceutical plant Teva Prayvet Co
136 rub.
Loratadin - Teva тбл 10 mg No. 10, the Pharmaceutical plant Teva Prayvet Co
196 rub.
Loratadin - Teva тбл 10 mg No. 30, the Pharmaceutical plant Teva Prayvet Co
283 rub.
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Section: Articles about health