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Welsh onion

Welsh onion or as it is called still, fistular onions or a spring onion - a perennial plant of family Onions.

Лук батун — многолетнее растение семейства ЛуковыхAsia is considered the homeland of a lukabatun, however, today the plant is widespread everywhere, practically in all territory of Russia, except for regions of Far North.

Welsh onion meets several types: Russian, Chinese and Japanese. The most frost-resistant of them the Russian look capable to sustain temperature to-10 degrees Celsius. Two other look transfer unfavorable conditions of the environment much worse.

Welsh onion does not form a full-fledged bulb therefore only its peculiar, having an appearance pipes, stalks are eaten. 2-3 years later after disembarkation Welsh onion begins to branch, forming up to 40 branches. Approximately in the same time there is an escape with a round cap of the small white colors which are plentifully distinguishing nectar.

Useful properties of Welsh onion

Along with external similarity, Welsh onion has all useful qualities of onion. Since ancient times this burning seasoning was used as additive to food with specific taste, and also as the remedy which is successfully struggling with many widespread diseases.

Green leaves of Welsh onion in excess quantity contain ascorbic and nicotinic acids, carotene, Riboflavinum, thiamin, salts of magnesium, potassium, iron, the essential oil impacting to a plant special relish and aroma with a taste of bitterness. It should be noted that the content of vitamin C in Welsh onion exceeds that, being in onions feathers.

Useful properties of Welsh onion are especially valuable during the spring period - time when most of people have avitaminosis and needs the strengthened support.

On assurances of scientists, 150 grams of Welsh onion (one big bulb) fill a half of standard daily rate of vitamins A and With, and also the one fifth part from the need of an organism for calcium and potassium - the elements improving work of cardiovascular system of an organism. It is known that the drugs promoting lowering of blood pressure, increase in elasticity of capillary vessels are made of Welsh onion.

The carotene which is contained in Welsh onion greens is responsible for a safe condition of skin and mucous membranes of an organism. In medicine of China the plant was used as tonic, sudorific and an anesthetic in the presence of gastric diseases.

Welsh onion is famous for the strong disinfecting effect.

Nutrition value of Welsh onion

Caloric content of Welsh onion makes only 34 kcal / 100 product gram. Nutrition value of a plant:

  • Proteins - 1,3 g;
  • Fats - 0,1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3,2 g.

Welsh onion Лук батун в упаковкеcontains such substances, useful to our organism, as sincaline (6,1 mg), RR vitamin (0,35 mg), B1 vitamin (0,05 mg), B2 vitamin (0,03 mg), B5 vitamin (0,12 mg), B6 vitamin (0,12 mg), B9 vitamin (19 mkg), vitamin K (0,4 mkg), vitamin E (0,02 mkg), zinc (0,17 g), selenium (0,5 mkg), fluorine (1,1 mkg), manganese (0,13 mg), phosphorus (29 mg), iron (0,21 mg), magnesium (10 mg), sodium (4 mg), potassium (146 mg) and calcium (23 mg).

Nutritionists recommend to include Welsh onion in a diet to the people suffering from disturbances of exchange processes, liver diseases in the presence of stones in kidneys, gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, dysentery, hypertension.


In cookery only stalks (greens) of Welsh onion - as seasoning to meat, fish dishes, salads, sauces are used. In Tatar cuisine it is accepted to use Welsh onion as the independent snack baked with eggs and cheese.

Welsh onion and in traditional medicine where the plant is widely used as diuretic, antivermicular and styptic means found application.

For treatment of diseases of digestive tract, fever, cardiovascular system Welsh onion tincture is used. For its preparation it is necessary to place the crushed Welsh onion in capacity, to fill in a plant with 70% alcohol (1:4), to insist within a week, then to filter and accept till 15-20 the drops divorced in 50 ml of cold drinking water.

As means from bystry fatigue Welsh onion decoction is accepted. It prepares so: 80 g of greens are crushed, filled in with 200 ml of the boiling water, 30 minutes infuse, and then it is filtered. Tincture on 200 ml twice a day after food is accepted.


Despite numerous useful properties of Welsh onion, the excess use of a plant in food can lead to a hyperexcitability of a nervous system. It is not recommended to abuse the dishes seasoned with Welsh onion, to the people suffering from a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis and gastritis.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.