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Magne B6

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from 500 rub.

Магне В6 фортеMagne B6 – the drug intended for completion of deficit of magnesium in an organism and also for elimination of the disturbances which resulted from a lack of this microelement.

Pharmacological action

Magne B6 represents the combined drug which part magnesium and a pyridoxine are.

Magnesium takes part in many exchange processes, in particular in the reactions connected with reduction of muscles and transfer of nervous impulses. As this inorganic element gets to an organism with food, the diet, malnutrition, bad intestinal absorption, excessive allocation by kidneys can result in its deficit. Also the organism can feel the increased need for magnesium during a stress, the increased intellectual and exercise stresses, during use of diuretics, during pregnancy.

In addition to magnesium, Magne B6 contains also B6 vitamin (pyridoxine) which also participates in many metabolic reactions, including in the exchange processes happening in a nervous system. B6 vitamin improves absorption of magnesium in a digestive tract, and also promotes its penetration and deduction in cells.

From the accepted Magne's dose of B6 in a digestive tract a half is soaked up.

Indications to Magne's use B6

The instruction recommends to apply Magne of B6 to the prevention or completion of a lack of magnesium of an organism, and also at the disturbances provoked by a lack of this element:

  • sleep disorders;
  • increased fatigue, intellectual and physical overfatigue, adynamy;
  • irritability, the increased nervous irritability;
  • feeling of a pricking;
  • gastrointestinal spasms, pains and spasms of muscles;
  • manifestations of attacks of alarm which are followed by intensive breath;
  • cardiopalmus.

Magne by B6 at pregnancy, as a rule, is appointed at the raised uterus tone, threat of an abortion, spasms.


Magne of B6 is not appointed at:

  • heavy renal failure;
  • intolerance of fructose, deficit of sucrose-isomaltose, the broken absorption of a galactose or glucose;
  • fenilketonuriya (disturbance of metabolism of amino acids, in particular phenylalanine);
  • hypersensitivity to Magne's components B6.

Drug is contraindicated to children 1 years and to women during feeding by a breast are younger.

The instruction recommends to apply with Magne's care of B6 at a moderate renal failure.

Application instruction of Magne of B6

One tablet of drug contains 470 mg of magnesium of a lactate of a dihydrate and 5 mg of a pyridoxine of a hydrochloride. One tablet of Magne B6 forte includes 618,43 mg of magnesium of citrate and 10 mg of a pyridoxine of a hydrochloride in the structure. Drug is produced also in the form of solution for intake which one ampoule contains 186 mg of sodium of a lactate of a dihydrate, 936 mg of magnesium of a pidolat and 10 mg of a pyridoxine of a hydrochloride.

The instruction recommends to accept Magne of B6 during food, washing down tablets with a glass of water, and contents of ampoules - to dissolve in 100-150 g of water. The daily dose of drug is usually divided into 2-3 receptions.

To adults and children 12 years at the expressed deficit of magnesium in days are more senior appoint 3-4 ampoules or 6-8 tablets, and at a spasmophilia – on 2-3 ampoules or 4-6 tablets. To children of 6-12 years of Magne B6 is recommended to take on 1-3 ampoules or 2-6 pill a day, to children of 1-6 years appoint drug in the form of solution – 10-30 mg of magnesium to kilogram of weight a day. It is necessary to accept drug until recovery of normal level of magnesium in an organism.

Магне В6 в ампулах

As responses testify, B6 usually shows Magne and sets therapeutic effect within one month.

Magne B6 at pregnancy if the attending physician did not appoint other scheme, is applied by 3 times a day on 2 tablets.

Magne by B6 forte the adult is appointed in a dose of 3-4 tablets in days, and to children 6 years – 2-4 tablets a day, frequency rate of receptions – 2-3 times a day are more senior.

Side effects

Magne of B6, responses confirm, is transferred well, only in rare instances at patients abdominal pains, a meteorism, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, a lock, allergic reactions were recorded.

Prolonged use of Magne of B6 in high doses can provoke peripheral neuropathy (damage of a peripheral nervous system) and paresthesia (disorder of sensitivity in the form of a pricking, feeling of numbness and crawling of goosebumps).

Additional information

Magne's storage at the room temperature in the dry and dark place will provide to B6 the validity of drug within two years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Magne B6 solution 10 of ml of 10 pieces

500 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Magne piece tablet 50 B6

633 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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