Main > Human organs> Fibula


Fibula – a tubular, thin and long bone of a shin. It consists of a body and two epiphysis, respectively, upper and lower. The distal or lower end of a bone is an important component of an ankle joint and is called a lateral or outside anklebone. The lateral anklebone is the outside bone stabilizer of an ankle joint.

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Structure of fibula

The body of a bone has the prismatic trihedral form, is bent kzad and twisted around a longitudinal axis. The fibular bone has three surfaces: back, lateral, and medial which are divided from each other by three crests.

The first line has the form of an acute crest and separates a lateral surface from medial. The medial crest is located between the medial and back surfaces of a bone, and between lateral and back surfaces the rear edge is located. On a back surface the nutritious opening which lasts in distally the directed nutrient canal is located. On a medial surface it is possible to see interosseous edge.

The upper epiphysis of a fibular bone forms a head which by means of a joint surface connects to a tibial bone. An upper part of a head has the pointed form and is called a head top. From a body the head separates by means of a neck of fibula.

The lower epiphysis of a bone forms a lateral anklebone. Its outside surface is well probed through skin. On the medial surface of a lateral anklebone there is a joint surface by means of which the bone connects to an outside part of an astragalus. A little above on a fibular bone the rough surface which connects to fibular cutting of a tibial bone is located.

On the back surface of an outside anklebone it is possible to see a trace of a sinew of a long fibular muscle – a lodyzhkovy furrow.

Types of fractures of fibula

Changes happen at the different levels of a fibular bone. Preferential, the bone breaks in a lateral anklebone. In turn, the fracture of an outside anklebone of a shin happens at its various levels. As a rule, the fracture of fibula is followed by dislocation or an incomplete dislocation of foot, shortening of a bone and a rupture of a distal interosseous syndesmosis.

Distinguish slanting, splintered, cross, spiral and fragmental fractures of a fibular bone.

Carry to the main symptoms of a change:

  • pain at palpation of an outside anklebone;
  • hypostasis;
  • pain at axial load of a bone;
  • an ankle
  • joint pain at the movement.

Treatment of fractures of fibula

Main objective of conservative treatment is comparison and deduction of bone fragments. The traumatologist carries out reposition by means of which the incomplete dislocation of foot and shift of fragments is eliminated. If during reposition of a change reposition passed successfully and a condition of fragments satisfactory, foot and a shin are fixed by means of a plaster bandage or the special orthosis.

If reposition does not yield satisfactory results and the shift of fragments remains, appoint operational treatment of fibula which consists of several stages:

  • open reposition of bone fragments is carried out;
  • the foot incomplete dislocation is eliminated;
  • bone fragments are fixed by means of implants (a pin, screws, a plate).
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