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Masks from spots

Applying masks from spots, follow the basic rules:Рецепты масок для лица от прыщей

  • not to use mixes on which ingredients there is an allergic reaction;
  • in the course of preparation of masks on the basis of clay and a fresh-water sponge not to use metal ware;
  • before the procedure carefully to clear skin;
  • not to apply mix on areas around eyes and lips;
  • during the procedure to accept horizontal position;
  • to unmask in the directions of massage lines;
  • after a mask to apply tonic.

In face packs from spots the substances having the clearing, drying, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, antifungal properties are used.

Recipes of masks from spots

According to reviews, masks from spots on the basis of medicines are the most effective.

Face pack from spots on the basis of streptocide. Possesses the strong antiinflammatory and drying action. Ingredients: streptocide - 4 tablets, a denture powder - 1 teaspoon, Tinctura Calendulae - 1 teaspoon. Streptocide to pound and mix with a denture powder, then to gradually enter Tinctura Calendulae until mix gets a consistence of dense sour cream. At fat skin the mask can be put on all face, at dry – on places of localization of rashes. To sustain a mask before full drying (20-30 minutes) then to remove by means of a dry sponzh and to rinse a face with water.

Strong mask from spots and comedones. Renders the antiseptic, antiinflammatory, clearing, regenerating action, removes reddenings, regulates secretion of sebaceous glands, cleans pores. Main ingredients: zinc oxide ointment (zinc oxide) - 20 g, Unguentum sulfuratum (33%) - 25 g, salicylic ointment (10%) - 25 g, tar birch - 5-7 drops. For neutralization of an unpleasant smell of birch tar it is possible to add to mix 2 drops of essential oils of a bergamot, a juniper, rosemary. For strengthening of the regenerating properties it is possible to enter 5 drops of Solutio oleosa of vitamin A (acetate Retinolum) into a mask. All ingredients carefully mix up therefore the creamy weight which needs to be applied for the night on problem sites of skin – the T-zone, a forehead, a chin turns out. Frequency of use of a mask - time in two days. This mask from spots, according to applying it it is regular, provides almost absolute protection against all types of an enanthesis.

Pay attention that the masks from spots containing medicines are not recommended to be applied during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.

Masks from spots on the basis of ovalbumin are very popular as they possess the drying action and narrow pores. For example, well helps at spots, eels and reddenings a mask of the following structure: protein of one egg, cosmetic oil of a tea tree (5 drops), starch. To beat egg white to a condition of strong foam and to add oil. To gradually enter starch until mix reaches a sour cream consistence. To put on a face for 15 minutes, to wash away the dried mask warm water. Frequency of use – time in three days. A course – 10 masks, then a three-months break.

Mask from spots from clay and officinal herbs. Main ingredients: celandine grass, calendula flowers, camomile flowers, clay cosmetic. From the herbs taken in equal quantities to prepare broth, to filter, cool to room temperature and to mix with clay, having brought weight to a consistence of dense sour cream. Influence time – 20-30 minutes, before full drying.

Masks from traces from spots

It becomes frequent a victory over spots the beginning of the next stage of fight for beauty - treatments of effects in the form of hems and spots. In this case masks from spots are not effective any more, additional leaving by means of special means to which number also face packs belong is necessary.

Masks from traces from spots have the resorptional, regenerating, peeling, bleaching, strengthening local blood circulation properties.

Recipes of masks from traces from spots

Рецепты масок от следов от прыщейMask on the basis of honey and cinnamon. Feeds, promotes regeneration of skin, improves complexion, cleans and narrows pores. Ingredients: honey and powder of cinnamon in equal quantities. After careful hashing of components viscous weight with pleasant aroma turns out. The mask is applied on skin by means of the pallet for 20 minutes, 2-3 times a week are used. The mask can cause small burning or an itch. As at contact with skin honey begins to melt, weight can flow down from a face therefore it is necessary to protect clothes a napkin. It is undesirable to use a mask at expanded vessels on a face.

The mask from spots from spots with lemon juice promotes whitening of skin. Ingredients: ovalbumin, teaspoon of lemon juice. To beat egg white a little a fork and to mix with juice. To put on a face, after drying to wash away. Instead of protein it is possible to use the white clay divorced water. But in this case mix is applied only on spots.

Medical paraffin is effective for removal of spots and hems. It is melted on the water bath and applied directly on hems by means of a wadded disk. After hardening paraffin is removed from skin and is stored prior to the next session. Be attentive, paraffin has to be warm, but we do not heat. Before putting paraffin it is recommended to grease a face with cream.

As the warmed paraffin expands capillaries, it cannot be applied on areas with a vascular grid.

Masks from traces from spots on the basis of a fresh-water sponge – the fresh-water sponge used in the form of powder or paste are traditionally applied to treatment of effects of acne rash. The fresh-water sponge is mixed with hot water to a creamy state and in a warm look put on a face. From above impose compresseal paper and a hot towel. Influence time – 30 minutes. The mask is washed away warm water, the face is powdered talc. Mix should be applied with care, bypassing sites near mucous surfaces (a nostril, an eye). The mask can cause a burning sensation or prickings, erubescence keeps up to two days.

The mask from spots from spots from a fresh-water sponge and peroxide of hydrogen is even more active. But in order to avoid a burn it should be applied not on all surface of a face, and directly on spots.

Use of masks from a fresh-water sponge is contraindicated at dry thin skin, expanded capillaries and excess growth of hair in the person.

Masks from clay both from spots, and from their effects are applied. Clay calms, heals, removes an inflammation. At hot scents from spots of rather efficient there can be a mask from qualitative clay on the usual purified water. Addition of other active ingredients strengthens effect.

For example, the mask from traces from spots from clay and a fresh-water sponge is applied to treatment of old spots on skin. Structure of a mask: white clay – 4 teaspoons, a fresh-water sponge – 1 teaspoon, the purified water – 2 tablespoons. Mix is put on a face for 15 minutes, then accurately washed away by warm water. The moisturizing cream is applied on the dried-up skin. Action of a mask is shown by a peeling during the next two days.

Masks from spots and their effects at regular use are very effective remedy of care of skin in house conditions.

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