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Oil fish

Oil fish – one of several names Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, the World Ocean living on open spaces, except for waters of the Indian Ocean. Oil fish is also known also under other names. Eskolar, a white tuna, fish oil, a gray delicious mackerel – all this names of the same fish who in Russia is traditionally called oil fish.

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Depending on the region of dwelling fat content of oil fish considerably varies and is in range of 0,5-13%. Protein content in it reaches 20%.

Oil fish rather seldom meets and her separate fishing commercially is not conducted. Most often it meets in the form of a prilov, at industrial catching of a tuna. In length can reach two meters and weight to fifty kilograms. The weight of an average individual fluctuates in the range of 25-35 kilograms.

Preparation of oil fish

Oil fish can be extinguished, cooked, fried or smoked, but a variety of culinary receptions is usually limited to rather small prevalence of oil fish in waters of the ocean and is used in a household of fishermen or at the fish restaurants giving exotic dishes from an eskolar.

The counter of shop is usually reached by fillet of oil fish. Fillet of oil fish is used for smoking or jerking, meat of this fish perfectly is suitable for similar processing. Oil fish has dense light meat and pleasant taste. Characteristic of oil fish is its exclusive fat content. Fat literally flows down from fish. When cutting even separate time during which the drawn fish is left in hover is allocated to allow excess fat to flow out.

Caloric content of oil fish

Caloric content of oil fish makes 113 kcal on 100 grams of fillet of a product. These are average figures which can differ at individuals from different regions of dwelling and age. Thanks to the low caloric content of oil fish and taking into account low digestion of her fats, this product is recommended for dietary food of people with an excess weight, as a part of the combined diets.

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Harm of oil fish

At all richness of taste it is necessary to remember that oil fish it is necessary to use in moderate quantities. The matter is that fat of oil fish considerably differs from usual fish oil as consists preferential of monoglycerides which are not acquired in a human body. Their large number is capable to cause severe diarrhea. Also it is necessary to remember that tomatoes together with oil fish are capable to strengthen diarrheal effect.

All above-mentioned disturbances of work of digestive tract are shown only at the use of the dishes prepared from fresh or fresh-frozen oil fish. Smoked or dried эсколар does not exert a negative impact on a human body.

Due to the risk of development of diarrhea in some countries a ban on sale of oil fish (Japan, Italy) is imposed, and other countries officially issue recommendations about its use and preparation. In Russia any restrictions and recommendations connected with the use by oil fish no, however at preparation of dishes from fresh-frozen oil fish it is worth showing consideration for details of a compounding and the size of portions.

Optimal variant for gourmets is the use of small dishes from an eskolar at specialized fish restaurants which allow to enjoy all richness of taste of this fish, and also to avoid undesirable side effects.

If after all there is desire to independently prepare oil fish, then one of the best recipes both from the point of view of taste, and from the point of view of safety, there will be a fillet of the oil fish roasted on a grill. Especially successfully roasting on naked flame turns out.

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