Main > Drugs> Vishnevsky's ointment

Vishnevsky's ointment

Мазь Вишневского – эффективное антисептическое средствоVishnevsky's ointment is a good antiseptic agent which contains castor oil, tar and a xeroform in the structure.

Pharmacological action and route of administration

Medicinal properties of ointment of Vishnevsky are caused by areas of its use. Drug is widely used for elimination of an inflammation at abscesses and furuncles, it is capable to remove inflammations in gynecology, to dry skin at acne rashes, to recover fabrics at burns, frostbites and decubituses.

Use of ointment of Vishnevsky is possible also for treatment of thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers of legs. For treatment of the lower extremities it is necessary to apply the gauze bandages impregnated with ointment, fixing by bandage standing. At burns and frostbites of a bandage with ointment allow to avoid unpleasant hems and promotes recovery of skin in the place of defeat. For this purpose it is necessary to impose a gauze with ointment on affected areas and to hold until ointment completely does not dry then the bandage needs to be replaced fresh.

According to responses, Vishnevsky's ointment is effective also in gynecology. At inflammatory processes tampons which are impregnated with drug well help.

By means of Vishnevsky's ointment it is possible to get rid of spots, for this purpose it is necessary a gauze bandage which is impregnated with ointment, to impose on a problem zone. Several hours hold such bandage. Before full clarification of skin the procedure is recommended to repeat twice a week.

Release form

Drug is produced in the form of Vishnevsky's ointment and linimentum balsam (according to Vishnevsky).

Indications to use of ointment of Vishnevsky

Мазь Вишневского в форме линимента бальзамическогоArea of the most frequent use of ointment of Vishnevsky is the surgery. Such popularity is connected with big efficiency of drug, and also with lack of harm which Vishnevsky's ointment could bring. It is considered that drug is irreplaceable also in house conditions therefore it has to be in each first-aid kit.

The official instruction of ointment of Vishnevsky specifies such indications to use:

  • abscesses, anthrax and furuncles;
  • diseases of vessels of the lower extremities;
  • burn wounds, decubituses and frostbites;
  • lymphangitis and lymphadenitis;
  • obliterating endarteritis and thrombophlebitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • varicose and trophic ulcers.

Contraindications to use of ointment of Vishnevsky

Vishnevsky's ointment, responses confirm it, has only one contraindication to use which the individual intolerance of any ingredient as a part of drug is. It is more than any contraindications and side effects it was not revealed, it caused great popularity of drug.

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