Main > Diseases> Miositis


Short characteristic of a disease

Шейный миозит

The miositis represents an inflammation of skeletal muscles which quite often affects not one, and at once several bones. In the latter case it is about development of a severe form of a disease – a polymiositis. If infection exerts impact not only on bones, but also on skin, then the dermatomyositis is diagnosed for the patient. Irrespective of a form, are the reason of defeat of skeletal muscles: infectious diseases, toxic substances, professional activity of people, overcoolings, injuries, stretchings and muscular spasms. Besides, a back and cervical miositis can be caused by a number of pathologies which affect connecting fabrics, for example, with rheumatism, a lupus erythematosus or a pseudorheumatism.

Forms and symptoms of a miositis

We already mentioned about the main kinds of a disease above. Now we will stop on them in more detail.

Dermatichesky miositis – symptoms of this form are most often shown at women of middle age. At the moment exact origins of a disease are unknown. Doctors assume that viruses and genetic predisposition act as a provocative factor. A releaser can also be: long stay to the sun, overcoolings, stresses and catarrhal diseases. At a dermatichesky form the miositis of muscles leads to rashes of violet or red color and puffiness a century. Treat the accompanying symptoms: a fever, the increased temperature, sharp weight loss and weakness. Let's notice that deterioration in health at different people happens differently. At one dermaticheskiya the miositis develops very quickly, and at others – gradually, but anyway it leads to very unpleasant effects – flabbinesses of muscles, to their shortening, accumulations of salts of calcium and the most severe pains.

The polymiositis – strikes several groups of skeletal muscles at once. Pain is expressed more weakly, than at a dermatichesky form therefore muscular weakness acts as the main symptom of a disease. At first it is expressed as easy fatigue at the elementary exercise stresses, but then the condition of the patient begins to worsen sharply up to that the person cannot independently get up. At the last stage the miositis which treatment began too late leads to an atrophy deglutitory and masseters, and then and to development of arthritis. In case of adequate treatment all above-mentioned symptoms of a miositis pass within several weeks.

Neck miositis – one of the most common forms. Such "popularity" is explained by the fact that the neck of the person most often is exposed to overcooling that leads to pathologies of skeletal muscles. The cervical miositis proves a nagging pain in cervical vertebras which is given to a nape, over time extending to shovels and a shoulder girdle. Very often the miositis of a neck is confused to osteochondrosis. X-ray inspection helps to avoid statement of the wrong diagnosis.

Miositis stages

All forms of a disease at first pass through an acute stage when symptoms of defeat are expressed most brightly. If the person did not see a doctor in time, the miositis of a back and neck flows to the chronic current. At the same time pains can amplify under the influence of external factors – cold weather, long position of a body in one pose or just at night. In addition to natural development of pathology, the chronic miositis of muscles can turn out to be consequence of any undertreated infectious disease including banal cold.

Miositis – treatment and prevention of a disease

Лечение шейного миозита

The choice of a technique of treatment depends on the reasons which caused emergence of a disease. If the miositis of a back or neck has a parasitic origin, prescribe the patient anthelmintic means. At the reasons of infectious character antibiotics best of all help. Autoimunny processes are stopped by means of glucocorticoids and a course of reception of immunosuppressors. Irrespective of the reasons, to the patient also appoint the antiinflammatory drugs warming the ointments improving a trophicity of muscles, and antipyretics in case of high temperature. If the diagnosis an acute miositis is made to the person, treatment assumes observance of a bed rest and full refusal of heavy exercise stresses.

Surgical intervention is shown at a purulent form when the miositis of muscles leads to accumulation of pus and other serious effects. In this case the surgeon makes opening of the center of an infection and applies the draining bandage. Local use of antibiotics (powders, ointments) is admissible.

Besides, are applied to treatment of a miositis: massage (it is contraindicated at a purulent form), physiotherapeutic methods, a special diet and physiotherapy exercises. Prevention of a miositis consists in refusal of hard work on cold, avoiding of overcooling of muscles, timely treatment of infectious and catarrhal diseases.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.