Main > Medical specialties> Narcologist


The narcologist is engaged in treatment and prevention of alcoholic, tobacco and narcotic addiction. Treatment of patients can be carried out both in stationary, and in out-patient conditions. After the termination of a basic course patients have to be on the dispensary account and come regularly to appointment to the narcologist for rehabilitation support of the positive take achieved during treatment. Timely consultation of the narcologist allows to prevent possible failure of remission and an exacerbation of a disease.

Нарколог - врач, занимающийся лечением и профилактикой алкогольной, табачной и наркотической зависимостей

Morbid conditions which the narcologist treats:

  • Tobacco smoking;
  • Drug addiction;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Toxicomania;
  • Internet dependence;
  • Game dependence.

When it is necessary to address for consultation the narcologist?

Most often on appointment to the narcologist arrive already sick with the started stages of diseases. And the earlier they will be revealed, the more effective them treatment. Consultation of the narcologist is necessary at emergence of the following symptoms:

  • Apathy;
  • Loss of control over the actions;
  • Agressive behavior;
  • The concern arising without any reasons, especially if it is burdened by a physical indisposition;
  • Suicide thoughts and attempts;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Panic feeling of danger, unmotivated alarm.

All these symptoms are the first signs of emergence of any dependence. Medical examination of the narcologist will allow to reveal this forming dependence at very early stage. The doctor will be able to appoint preventive treatment which will allow to avoid her further progressing.

How the narcologist treats?

Treatment of any kind of dependence demands from the patient and his relatives a lot of courage and forces, and also takes long time. Therapy has complex character since the narcologist has to eliminate not only physical, and the most important psychological dependence. Only very experienced doctor can effectively cure narcological diseases. Therefore going to reception, surely take an interest in comments on the narcologist at those patients who addressed it earlier.

Treatment of drug addiction, toxicomania, alcoholism begins with carrying out a detoxication, i.e. clarification of an organism from the toxic substances which accumulated in it. Along with it hold the events directed to stopping of an abstinence syndrome which in the people is called "withdrawal pains".

The detoxication is carried out most often by means of hemosorption and a plasmapheresis. In addition to the patient appoint intravenous injections of glucose, vitamins, and also the drugs improving a metabolism. The detoxication is one of the most dangerous stages of treatment therefore it has to be carried out only in the conditions of specialized clinic. Sending the relative to such clinic, surely find out all information on her (existence of the license as long work, a possibility of monitoring a condition of the patient by you, etc.), and also learn comments on the narcologists working in it.

Medical examination of the narcologist

Not only patients come to reception to the narcologist. Quite often at employment medical examination with obligatory passing of the narcologist is required. Also before a shift some categories of workers (pilots, drivers, drivers, etc.) have examination of the narcologist.

Routine medical examination of the narcologist is carried out according to the special program which includes carrying out narcological survey, a laboratory research and psychological testing. If the doctor has data that the citizen was treated in one of narcological institutions earlier, then he is obliged to consider them at issue of the conclusion.

If when performing medical examination by the narcologist symptoms of a narcological disease are revealed or in case the patient does not agree with the conclusion of the doctor, direct the citizen to the additional examination conducted in stationary conditions.

Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.