Application instruction:
Sodium hydroxybutyrate – the medicine rendering narcotic, somnolent, sedative, myorelaxation action.
Is issued in the form of injection solution (in ampoules on 10 ml, in a cardboard pack of 10 ampoules complete with an ampoule knife).
Active ingredient: sodium Oxubatum, in 1 ml – 200 mg.
In surgical practice of Sodium hydroxybutyrate is applied to an introduction anesthesia when carrying out nepolostny operations with preservation of spontaneous breath.
The drug is administered intravenously with a speed of 1-2 ml a minute, in 5-40% glucose solution.
The dose makes 0,05-0,12 on each kilogram of body weight.
At bystry administration of Sodium of hydroxybutyrate are possible: breath disturbance, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, psychomotor excitement, hypopotassemia.
In case of overdose twitching of extremities and excitement can be noted, in hard cases the apnoea is possible.
Sodium hydroxybutyrate strengthens effect of anesthetics and analgetics.
At out-patient use of drug the people managing vehicles, and also occupied on the productions demanding the speed of reactions and concentration of attention should be careful.
To store in the place unavailable to children protected from light.
Period of validity – 4,5 years.
The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.
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Section: Articles about health80% of women at least once to lives complained of discomfortable feelings to breasts, consolidations and nagrubaniye. These are mastopathy symptoms. The mastopathy is characterized by change of a ratio between ferruterous and connective tissue tissues of mammary glands. It can bring...
Section: Articles about healthVitamin complexes belong to the most popular drugs, probably, in our country there is no person who was not hearing about advantage of vitamins and never their accepting. The more vitamins, the better, we consider and as it appeared, cruelly we are mistaken. Whether vitamins, whether so harmlessly general hobby for polyvitaminic complexes and whether it is possible to do without them are so useful? Let's try to understand....
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Section: Articles about healthBees – really unique beings. Practically all products of their life activity are used by the person. Since the most ancient times medicinal properties of honey and other substances received in the course of beekeeping are known. The fact that all these пр is especially significant...
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Section: Articles about healthWhen overcomes feeling of hunger, and an opportunity to have dinner fully is absent, having a snack − the meals, small on volume, stabilizing sugar level in blood comes to the rescue. The relation of nutritionists to having a snack is more often negative, but only because in кач...
Section: Articles about health