Main > Diseases> Neurosises


General characteristic of a disease


The term "neurosis" is used for designation of the whole group of psychological frustration with the general signs. Persuasive states, hysterical attacks or vegetative (functional) disturbances in work of bodies are considered as those.

For the first time at children and adults in medical circles started talking about neurosises at the initiative of the Scottish doctor Kullen in 1776. Since then relevance of discussions about classification and diagnosis of a disease did not decrease at all. In domestic medicine , for example, long time in general was absent, per se, the concept "neurosis" for designation of an independent disease. Today other extreme when instead of the term "neurosis" several names of the neurotic, caused by a stress frustration are used at once is quite often observed.

Neurosises - symptoms and kinds of a disease

Difficulties with creation of one standard classification of a disease are caused by a huge number of the most different symptoms of neurosis. Neurotic reactions of each person are deeply individual and often depend on the situation which caused the internal conflict, inability to make the decision or fear of certain future events in the patient. The simplified classification of neurosises by symptoms of neurologic frustration assumes existence of at least 3 kinds of a disease: neurosis of persuasive states, a neurasthenia, hysterical neurosis (the most widespread type of neurosis at children).

Neurosis of persuasive states

Neurosis of persuasive states, it is obsessivny neurosis, it is expressed in insuperable desire of the patient to make certain actions or in inexplicable fear of the specific situations repeating in his life. The patient keeps the critical attitude towards reality, realizes abnormality of the behavior and because of it experiences feeling of alienation. Symptoms of neurosis of persuasive states can be the most any: from an uncontrollable habit always to count steps to a raspravleniye of nonexistent folds on clothes or desire to come back home several times to check whether the iron is switched off.

Different types of phobias (fear of the enclosed space or open space, fear to catch, go crazy or die of some disease) – all this too kinds of neurosis at children and adults. One more symptom of neurosis of this type – formation at patients of rituals, for example, a habit to come back home only a certain route, etc. Neurosis of persuasive states can develop at the person for years. The patient gradually adapts to the phobias and tries to avoid the situations causing in him unmotivated fear.


The disease is quite often called asthenic neurosis. Complaints to increased fatigue, inability to concentrate, feeling of weakness, apathy are characteristic of patients. At the same time the lowered working capacity and slackness are observed against the background of excessive emotional excitability. The patients suffering from a neurasthenia are usually quick-tempered, stay in a condition of constant tension, and the slightest external irritant can cause in them rough reaction. Other characteristic symptoms of neurosis of asthenic type - sleep disorders, headaches, functional failures in work of digestive tract, sexual and cardiovascular systems.

Hysterical neurosis

This type of a disease is followed by various vegetative, motive and touch frustration. The patient cannot control completely the body and makes the involuntary movements. Unlike patients with different types of psychoses, to the person with symptoms of neurosis of hysterical type its motor reactions bring discomfort, but to resist to them it appears not in forces.

Very often patients with hysterical neurosis complain of the headache which is pulling together as if a hoop, the patient's whisky. Other symptoms of neurosis of this type - a tremor (twitching) of extremities, the heads, a century, a shiver, partial or total loss of sensitivity, pain of psychogenic character. Many researchers consider a kind of a disease some types of anorexia, enuresis and stutter. Children's neurosis of hysterical type is often shown in the form of a habit to bend lips, to incline the head, to pull out hair, eyelashes or to comb skin till it bleeds.Психотерапия - метод лечения неврозов у детей и взрослых

Neurosises – treatment and forecasts

Therapy of a disease – specialization of doctors of the neurologist and psychotherapist. The medicamentous principle of treatment of neurosis consists in purpose of tranquilizers of group of benzodiazepines. Psychoactive agents of these drugs cause drowsiness in the patient, reduce excitability, have anticonvulsant effect. Unfortunately, tranquilizers of this group have a considerable list of by-effects. At drug treatment of neurosis nausea, a skin itch, locks, decrease in sexual function are quite often observed. As a result of 3-4 months of regular reception of tranquilizers formation of resistant dependence on medicine is possible.

Part of complex treatment of neurosises of various etiology are also nootropa, psychostimulants, antidepressants, vitamin and mineral complexes, physical therapy and physiotherapy exercises. In addition sick the psychotherapy sessions including individual conversations, hypnosis, group and family consultations and art therapy are appointed. The problem of non-drug treatment of neurosis consists in change of the relation of the most sick to a problem situation. Neurologic frustration are, as a rule, reversible. And the timely address to the doctor allows to avoid the long nature of treatment of neurosis.

Treatment of neurosises at children

Individual disease and the diagnosis "children's neurosis" in medicine does not exist. Neurosises at children, as well as adults is a reversible frustration of mentality. Intra family problems become the reason of children's neurosis most often: scandals between parents, the conflicts in a garden or school, the endured strong fright, etc. As reaction to a psychoinjury gradually develops children's neurosis which reason establish only the qualified psychotherapist often can.

Medicamentous therapy of children's neurosis meets quite seldom. One demulcents not to solve this problem, and many drugs for treatment of neurosis at adults are contraindicated to children owing to their early age. At neurosises at children art therapy is usually used: drawing, molding, designing, dances. But their efficiency depends on as far as parents will be able to change the vital circumstances which caused the neurotic reaction which developed into children's neurosis in the child.

Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.