Main > Diseases> Nystagmus


Sometimes happens so that, talking to the person, you notice as at him it is constant "eyes run". There is a feeling that Нистагм глаз – это довольно частые колебательные движения глазat least the subject of your conversation is not interesting to it. But, unfortunately, the person can behave in this way in connection with existence at him such disease as a nystagmus that in translation from Greek is meant by "somnolence".

The nystagmus of eyes is quite frequent oscillating motions of eyes at which the person cannot focus the look on one subject. At this disease, as a result, decrease in visual acuity is usually observed.

Nystagmus reasons

There is a lot of reasons for developing of this disease:

  • Fruit arrest of development during pregnancy;
  • Effects of a birth trauma;
  • The inborn or acquired vision disorders;
  • Various diseases of eyes: short-sightedness or far-sightedness, squint, eye retina dystrophy, astigmatism, atrophy of an optic nerve, opacification of optical environments and so forth.

In addition to everything listed, the nystagmus of eyes can be caused by infectious or traumatic defeat of the bridge of a brain, cerebellum, hypophysis, myelencephalon, or labyrinth. Also can lead the had strokes and multiple sclerosis to development of a nystagmus.

Abuse of various medicines or drugs, can provoke development of a nystagmus of eyes. Frequent stressful states also bring a certain contribution in development of this disease.

Symptoms of a nystagmus and its types

The nystagmus usually develops against the background of various problems connected with visual system or neurologic pathology. There are various classifications of a nystagmus.

Depending on oscillating motions of eyes distinguish:

  • Horizontal nystagmus. It is the most often found type of pathology when the movement of eyes is directed to the right-to the left;
  • Vertical nystagmus. The movements of eyeglobes are directed up-down;
  • The diagonal nystagmus, is diagnosed when the movements of eyes go on diagonal;
  • The movements of eyes around – a rotary nystagmus.

Difference on the nature of movements:

  • Evenly kachatelny movements of eyes from one party in another – a pendulum nystagmus;
  • The slow movement of eyeglobes aside with bystry return back – a tolchkoobrazny nystagmus of eyes;
  • The mixed type.

The nystagmus of eyes happens:

  • Inborn. In this case the tolchkoobrazny horizontal nystagmus is most often observed. Usually pathology proves on the second – the third month of life of the kid and, unfortunately, remains for the rest of life;
  • Acquired. It is subdivided on adjusting, vestibular and optokinetic.


The involuntary При врожденном горизонтальном нистагме ребенок должен находиться на диспансерном учете у невропатолога и окулиста movements of eyeglobes allow the doctor to diagnose a nystagmus practically at once. But here identification of its reason requires performing profound medical examination of the patient.

At ophthalmologic survey carry out:

  • Visual acuity definition;
  • Survey of an eyeground and retina;
  • Research of functions of the oculomotor device and optic nerve.

After that the patient goes for consultation to the neurologist and for passing of electrophysiologic researches:

  • MPT;
  • EEG;
  • Ekho-EG.

Nystagmus: treatment

Process of treatment of a nystagmus long and difficult. Therapeutic treatment is begun, first of all, with the basic disease which led to development of this symptom. For example, correction of vision disorders is carried out: short-sightedness, far-sightedness, astigmatism and so forth. It allows not only to reduce manifestations of a nystagmus, but also increases visual acuity. It is possible to use special computer programs with success: "Crosses", "Zebra" and "Spider".

That tissues of eyes and a retina received food necessary for them, use vitamins and vasodilating drugs.

In rare instances resort to operational treatment of a nystagmus. During operation the surgeon tightens and strengthens the weakened muscles of the oculomotor device and vice versa, makes an incision, weakening thereby stronger.

At an inborn horizontal nystagmus the child has to be on the dispensary account at the neuropathologist and the oculist up to 15 years. As it was already told, completely it is impossible to cure an inborn nystagmus of eyes. A main objective of therapy in this case is prevention of further progressing of a disease and preservation of visual acuity.

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